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[wtp-dev] Minutes for WTP Status Telecon, 2006-03-09
See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more
[1] http://eclipse.org/webtools/development/status-telecons/index.html
Amy Wu
Arthur Ryman
Chuck Bridgham
Chris Brealey
David Williams
Der-Ping Chou
Jeffrey Liu
John Lanuti
Kate Price
Kathy Chan
Keith Chong
Kosta Komissarchik
Larry Dunnell
Phil Avery
Rob Frost
Ted Bashor
Tim Deboer
Tim Wagner
Lawrence Mandel
1. Actions Items - Jeffrey Liu
Active Items
The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1]
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Open API requests for non-API usages in WTP
| nor
| P2
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jkrause@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Start Requirements Meetings for WTP 1.5
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Demonstrate Code Usage and Breakage Scanning
Tools |
Open Items
The following action items
are currently open [2]. Action
items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status
telecon. Thx.
| nor
| P3
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
| nor
| P2
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Add Guidelines on Writing SCM-Friendly Code Gene...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Document and Communicate Hot Bug Process
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Update Flexible Project Model Roadmap |
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&chfieldfrom=7d&chfieldto=Now
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
Jeff - Discussion of actions items are added as comments
to the bugzilla.
2. WTP 1.0.2 Status
2.1 WTP 1.0.2 Build
Status - David Williams
David - We declared a build this week, our first 1.0.2
Ted - The list of bugs that was fixed is still relative
to 1.0, can we change it to 1.0.1?
Ted - I looked at the M build this morning and it's still
relative to sometime in Dec.
Arthur - Does Eclipse have any planned Maintenance release
pass 3.1.2?
David - Not currently.
Arthur - If there's one, we want to line up with them.
2.2 WTP 1.0.2 Bugzilla
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.0.2/adopter-hotlist-report.html
Jeff - Discussion of hot bugs are added as comments in
the bugzilla.
Arthur - Are these really hot issues?
Jeff - Bug owner should work with originator on these hot
bugs. If there are workarounds, see if the originator is satisfy with the
workaround and willing to move the bug off the hot list. If the bug owner
does not agree that a bug is hot, then the originator need to justify why
he/she thinks it is a hot issue.
Tim - I want to add 129112 to the hot list.
David - This is already fixed in the 1.5 stream, we should
be able to back port it to 1.0.2. Please open another bug to avoid confusion
on which stream this bug was fixed in.
Ted - Do we need to publicize all the bugs that we fixed
in the 1.0.2 stream? If we want to fix a bug, do we have to put it on the
hot list?
Arthur - No, we are not limited to hot bugs. We can use
comp leads' judgement on what should be fixed. However, no new features,
and keep changes to a minimum.
3. WTP 1.5 M5 Status
3.1 WTP 1.5 M5 Build
Status - David Williams
David - We changed our prereq to a pre-M6 I build. This
is needed for some improvement in the navigator API, so that we can migrate
completely. Please test with the same I build.
David - We will need to respin this evening.
Kathy - We have narrowed down the problem. Some manifest.mf
changes have the required bundle removed. We need to restore them.
David - Are you using Class.forName(...)? and that's why
the builder is not calculating the bundle dependency correctly?
Chris - It's the 3rd party dependencies, for example, WSIL4J
depends on UDDI4J, etc.
Kathy - Reverting a few plugins seems to work.
Jeff - When we create new packages, is there anything that
we need to watch out for to avoid discourage/forbidden access?
David - Discourage access is just using internal packages.
We may need to define friends packages. That should help us prioritize
what should be API.
3.2 WTP 1.5 M5 Bugzilla
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.5/adopter-hotlist-report.html
Jeff - Discuss of 1.5 hot bugs are added as comments
in the bugzilla.
Other 1.5 items:
David - The milestone plans on the Eclipse.org Web site
show that our feature complete date is 04/28. However, the intended feature
complete date is suppose to be 04/14. We will update the plans with this
info. I wanted to make sure nobody on the call is depended on the 04/28
date, and everyone is good with 04/14.
4. Hot Bug Process
Tim - Havent' really discuss this on the PMC call yet.
Tim - We don't want the hot bug process to become an vechical
for people to "increase the attention of the bug".
Kosta - How do we treat enhancements that are on the hot
Arthur - If an enhancement is inhibiting an adopter's adoption
of WTP, provided that the enhancement is well justified, then we should
consider it.
Arthur - Also, critical and blocker should be dealt with.
Ted - I want to propose a simper approach. Anyone can mark
a bug as hot, but if no one is in the status meeting to support it, then
it is removed.
Arthur - We should give an adopter more time. An adopter
may miss a meeting due to reasons like travel.
Ted - If repeatly failed to support a hot bug in the status
meeting, then we should take it off.
5. Other Business -
Arthur - On Wed/Tues, there was a creation
review for the AJAX project. And it will become an incubator project in
WTP. Their project lead is Craig Becker will join the PMC call.
Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
IBM Toronto Lab.
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