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[wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-02-02
See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more
[1] http://eclipse.org/webtools/development/status-telecons/index.html
Amy Wu
Chris Brealey
Chuck Bridgham
Craig Salter
David Williams
Jeffrey Liu
John Lanuti
Kate Price
Kathy Chan
Larry Dunnell
Lawrence Mandel
Nitin Dahyabhai
Phil Avery
Rob Frost
Sachin Patel
Ted Bashor
Tim Wagner
1. Actions Items - Arthur Ryman
Action items owners should update their
status in Bugzilla prior to the status telecon. Thx.
Active Items
The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1] Thx!
| nor
| P3
| PC
| syeshin@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Post some examples of what not to do for context...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Discuss WTP migration with the PMC
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] We need to start doing scalability testings
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] WTP 1.5 Milestone Plans are not Consistent |
5 bugs found.
Open Items
The following action items
are currently open [2]
| nor
| P3
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Open API requests for non-API usages in WTP
| nor
| P3
| PC
| naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Generate reports of fixed bugs from CVS commit
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| [action] Create a written smoke test for Facets.
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jkrause@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Start Requirements Meetings for WTP 1.5
| nor
| P3
| PC
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] WTP 1.5 Milestone Plans are not Consistent |
7 bugs found.
Konstantin - Sent regrets, no progress
on 113137
Chuck - No progress on 114446
Jeff - Will follow up with Naci on 122187
Jeff - No progress on 122833
Konstantin - Sent regrets, no progress
on 123697
Tim W. - Requirements and planning calls
are setup. We can consider 123703 done.
124568 - No progress |
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&chfieldfrom=2006-01-19&chfieldto=2006-01-26
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
2. WTP 1.0.1 Status
Reminder - Eclipse 3.1.2 is released. We need start shutting down.
Only stop-ship bugs will be approved during shutdown. Hot bugs should be
fixed asap.
David - Build on Monday
will be our RC1. Smoke test that on Tuesday and declare on Wed. We expect
teams to have test plans and spend the day testing and no development.
David - Only stop ship
bugs will be considered after that. If there are no stop ship problems,
then we'll rename the build to GA
Jeff - Does the Monday
deadline apply for hot bugs?
David - Yes. If we cannot
fix a hot bug, we should defer it? The question then becomes, do we need
a 1.0.2 to address the deferred hot bugs? We can discuss it later on.
2.1) WTP 1.0.1 Build
Status - David Williams
David - Source may not be found correctly when using the
SDK build. I will look into the problem.
David - Trying to declare a I build this week. A build
is finishing up now and will be ready for smoke testing.
2.2) WTP 1.0.1 Hot Bug
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
| cri
| P2
| PC
| tbashor@xxxxxxx
| Facet/runtime changes don't cascade to child projects
| nor
| P2
| PC
| lmandel@xxxxxxxxxx
| WSDL validation slow when validating large workspace
| maj
| P2
| PC
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Debug Last Launched command doesn't work on basic Web
| maj
| P2
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| Errors attempting to alter source-path for existing wb-re...
| maj
| P2
| PC
| wst.server-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx
| runtime target not set on client jar project when ear
is ...
| blo
| P2
| Mac
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Downloadable server adapter requires restart
| maj
| P2
| PC
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Issues with IModules returned from ServerUtil.getModule(I...
| cri
| P2
| PC
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| WTP 1.0.1 publishing testcase problems
| cri
| P2
| PC
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Editing the runtime name does update in the server editor
| cri
| P2
| Mac
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Cannot restart generic servers in debug mode |
10 bugs found.
Ted - 115327 needs
Tim to verify the fix. I think we can put it off the hot list, we can always
put it back if Tim feels differently.
Lawrence - 117265,
Jeff to get perf results for this fix. If results show improvement, we
can resolve the bug.
Ted - 117529, we can
take this one off the hot list. We were just looking for a minimal fix
like a better error/warning message to guide the user. Tim's last response
suggests that this approach may be a good idea, he suggests we defer it
to 1.5. Since it doesn't sound like a stop ship issue, we should remove
it from the hot list.
Chuck - 119699, haven't
got a chance to look at it yet...
Rob - I have a functional
workaround for this bug. Since it's no longer blocking, we can take it
off the hot list.
Jeff - 119742, Tim
is out of office. I'll follow up with him.
Jeff - 120707, Sachin,
would u consider this a stop ship?
Sachin - yes.
David - Is Eclipse
really that dynamic? We need to understand if this is a bug in our code
or in the Eclipse code.
Ted - Can we use a
workaround such as poping up a dialog and asking for restart?
David - Either way,
let's get the first patch committed, and Sachin, please continue to investigate
this bug and try to understand what is wrong.
Jeff - 124220, follow
up with Tim.
Jeff - 124292, I talked
to Elson Yuen about this bug. It looks like a corner case scenario.
Rob - If it's a concern
case, then we can take it off the hot list.
Jeff - 124728, follow
up with Tim.
Jeff - 125020, follow
up with Tim.
Sachin - 125531, patch
available. Need Tim to review it.
David - 126115, I'm
worried about late changes in threading behavior. The fix is not trivial,
so there's risky involved. Also, this bug seems to be reproducable only
from automated test. So, it doesn't sound as serious.
Ted - Agreed. I don't
think we understand it enough to say what the fix should be. Please continue
to investigate.
David - If it's not
stop ship, then we should get it off the hot list.
Tim - Please continue
the investigation, we can run internal test if David can provide patches.
Sachin - I have two patches that are still waiting to
be reviewed and applied...
My most critical defect, the one blocking my release,
the one I've been looking into and pulling my hair out over the last two
days is 120707, but it seems to have been missed being added to the
"adopter" list. Tim D. I think is out of town this week
so a heads up that he won't be able to look at it until his return.
So if in the meantime someone wants to help tackle it, I've updated the
bugzilla about 50 times with my findings :). That bugzilla also has
a critical patch that needs to be applied, but does not resolve the overall
Sachin - 125723, patch
available. Please review and apply.
Sachin - 125531, we
reviewed this bug already.
2.3) WTP 1.0.1 WST Bug Triage [2] - Arthur Ryman
2.4) WTP 1.0.1 JST Bug Triage [3] - Naci Dai
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.0.1/adopter-hotlist-report.html
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?classification=WebTools&product=Web+Tools&component=website&component=wst.command&component=wst.common&component=wst.css&component=wst.dtd&component=wst.html&component=wst.internet&component=wst._javascript_&component=wst.rdb&component=wst.server&component=wst.sse&component=wst.validation&component=wst.web&component=wst.ws&component=wst.wsdl&component=wst.wsi&component=wst.xml&component=wst.xsd&target_milestone=1.0.1+M101&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
[3] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?classification=WebTools&product=Web+Tools&component=documentation&component=FAQ&component=J2EE+Standard+Tools&component=jst.ejb&component=jst.j2ee&component=jst.jsp&component=jst.server&component=jst.servlet&component=jst.ws&component=releng&target_milestone=1.0.1+M101&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
2.5) WTP Adopter tool
and Non-API Code Deprecation - Jeffrey Liu
Jeff - Since WTP does not have APIs
defined for all its functions, a lot of the WTP adopters are using non-APIs
in their products. The goal of the non-API code deprecation policy is to
minimize the impact to our adopters when we change non-APIs.
Jeff - We have a tool that can scan
an adopter's product and generate a WTP code usage report. This report
does not expose any product information. For more information on how to
use this tool, go to the link above. Adopters can voluntarily participate
in this effort. If you choose to participate, then you can open a bug and
attach your usage report to the bug. I'll post more information about the
process later on.
Jeff - The idea is that as part of every
WTP build, we'll scan our code and check if we have broken any API or non-API
that our adopters are using. If so, either we back out the change or we
communicate this change to the adopters before the build can be declared.
Jeff - Right now, the scanner that checks
for broken APIs/non-APIs can only be run from the command line. I'm trying
to improve it so that it can be run from within the Eclipse workbench,
so that, developers will know if they have broken any APIs/non-APIs before
they check in their code.
David - Also, we should use the usage
report to understand if our adopters are using some code that they shouldn't
be using. If so, we should communicate with the adopters and help them
do the right thing.
3. WTP 1.5 Status
3.1) WTP 1.5 Build Status
- David Williams
David - Build failed. Timed out during the unit test phase.
Planning to rerun the test and if they pass, then we can just declare it.
David - We made some progress in cleaning up warnings,
but we still have work to do. Please continue to clean up warnings.
3.2) WTP 1.5 Hot Bug
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
| enh
| P2
| PC
| kchong@xxxxxxxxxx
| XML Catalog extension points should support locations
| maj
| P2
| PC
| david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx
| IStructuredModel#save(IFile) for SaveAs causes a ghost
| maj
| P2
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| WTP wizards sometimes fail to start
| nor
| P2
| PC
| deboer@xxxxxxxxxx
| Seperation of Server and Runtime is causing problems
| maj
| P2
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| Need Auto-selection of facet dependencies
| nor
| P2
| PC
| nitind@xxxxxxxxxx
| update problem with TaglibIndex when adding new jar
| enh
| P2
| PC
| nagrawal@xxxxxxxxxx
| global validation preferences should be valid for all
| nor
| P2
| PC
| jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx
| Unlinked ejb references are incorrectly filtered.
| min
| P2
| PC
| gercan@xxxxxxx
| Inconvenient error message when creating new server
| nor
| P2
| PC
| wst-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx
| Exception while adding server. WebLogic.
| nor
| P2
| PC
| wst-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx
| Exception While Canceling Building.
| nor
| P2
| PC
| nitind@xxxxxxxxxx
| Content assist and some formater actions can be Undone
on... |
12 bugs found.
Jeff - We'll skip the WTP 1.5 hot bugs.
4. Other Business -
Jeff - Chris, are you concern about getting the activation
fix in by Monday?
Chris - We think we have a fix, however, we are not sure
if this fix will cause legal problem. We'll check with the Eclipse legal
team. If we can't get a fix it in a day or two, then we'll go with a tactical
David - Nitin has a taglib related bug that is blocking
(125960). Nitin is investigating.
Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
IBM Toronto Lab.
8200 Warden Ave. Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7
Internal mail: D3/R8V/8200/MKM (D3-268)
T/L: 969 3531
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