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[wtp-dev] Web services smoke test failed on RC1, requesting respin


I ran through the Web services smoke test on RC1 (12/01 03:37) and hit a blocker problem with all Web services scenario due to Axis wsdl2java timing out.

I've opened bug 118819 (

This problem was introduced in fixing bug 87296 where we introduce a system property ("AxisWsdl2JavaTimeout") for the user to set the timeout value for wsdl2java.  The fix was to revert back to the old behaviour of not setting the time out and leaving it as the Axis wsdl2java default.  Now the timeout will only be set if the system property "AxisWsdl2JavaTimeout" is defined.  The fix is simple (attached as a patch to the bug), isolated and had been tested.  Without this fix, the only workaround is to set vmarg for "AxisWsdl2JavaTimeout" when bringing up Eclipse.  This would not be a good user experience for RC1.

With the fix for bug 118819, we also found a critical bug 118829  ( where if the user selects to generate client when creating a Web service, the user would not be able to go to the client page or finish the Web service wizard.  We are looking at the problem and is very close to finding a solution.  Without this problem fixed, the user would have to create the Web service without generating client and use the Web service client wizard to generate client.

We are requesting to respin RC1 to pick up 118819 (and 118829 if the fix is available within the next hour, which is very likely).

Sorry about the regressions introduced in recent bug fixes.  We will be much more vigilant in unit testing and code review in the future!  

Kathy Chan
Rational Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
D3-354, D3/R8V/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
kathy@xxxxxxxxxx, (905) 413-3022, tieline: 969-6038, fax: (905) 413-4920

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