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Re: [wtp-dev] Please review the following email notification for resolved/unverified bugs

Gotcha. 1 works for me. I think you can go with 2 as is. It should work most of the time. If we start getting into real problems it can always be changed later.

Thanks for clearing things up.

Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

Jeffrey Liu/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/17/2005 01:56 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-dev] Please review the following email        notification        for        resolved/unverified bugs

Hey Lawrence,

1. It will be one e-mail per reporter. "[wtp bug]" will not be replaced by
at run time. You know how messages from this mailing list starts with
[wtp-dev], I was trying to do something similar so people know what this
email is about just by scanning the subject. If you can think of a more
meaningful prefix, please let me know. I wasn't able to think of anything
else other than "[wtp bug]".

2. The script used to send these notification are automated. I don't think
there's a way to tell whether an I-build is a declared I-build or a warm up
I-build. But since these notifications are going to be sent on Monday, and
warm-up I-builds will be removed once the real I-build is declared Friday,
chances are the latest I-build is the declared I-build, however, there's no
guarantee. Perhapes it's better to link to the main download page instead
of the actual build page. What do you think?


            M@IBMCA                                                    To
            Sent by:                  "General discussion of project-wide
            wtp-dev-bounces@e         or architectural issues."          
            06/17/2005 01:07                                      Subject
            PM                        Re: [wtp-dev] Please review the    
                                      following email notification for    
                                      resolved/unverified bugs            
            Please respond to                                            
              discussion of                                              
             project-wide or                                              

Hi Jeff,

Looks good. Just a couple comments.

1. Will this send one e-mail for all of my unverified bugs or one for each
bug? I thought we agreed to one e-mail for all the bugs but having the [wtp
bug] in the title makes it look like it's one per bug which seems
unnecessary. A list of the bugs in one e-mail will accomplish the same goal
while keeping my inbox a little neater.

2. Will the integration build listed be the latest declared integration
build or the latest I-build listed on the download page? I think it should
be the latest declared integration build.


Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

Sent by:                                                               To
wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx            wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                
06/17/2005 10:17 AM                                               Subject
                                       [wtp-dev] Please review the        
                                       following email notification for  
      Please respond to                resolved/unverified bugs          
   "General discussion of                                                
       project-wide or                                                    
   architectural issues."                                                

As discussed in the WTP status meeting, the following is a sample of how
the automated email notification for resolved/unverified bugs will look


[wtp bug] Reminder - Please verify resolved bugs

This is a reminder that you are the reporter of the following resolved, but
unverified bugs. The following bugs are inactive for the past 14 days.
Please verify them using the latest Integration build <insert Integration


Let me know your suggestions and comments. Thanks.


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