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Re: [volttron-dev] [EXTERNAL] Re: Custom Controller Agent Causes Modbus Read Error


What you wrote below should be working. It has been a while since I last debugged this type of stuff but it looks good to me.
Most modbus devices like only one IP address + TCP port to act as the primary (master) and they break when you have two primaries. This was my first guess.

Is it possible to do a packet capture (e.g. Wireshark) to see the transactions on the wire?

I cc-d Craig on here.



On Feb 23, 2024, at 8:56 AM, Thompson, Joe <jthompson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hey Andrew, 
See the attached agent.txt (changed from “” for emailing). Specifically, the “_handle_publish” and “write_to_device” methods.
Note, I have changed things up slightly after Dave’s reply. Now, I am subscribed to the “devices/STAC/DynapowerInverter” message, which takes longer to come through than "devices/STAC/EnervenueBMS" messages. Which I think is helping..
In short, I am now receiving the “devices/STAC/DynapowerInverter” data as the input to my “_handle_publish” callback. Then I use this to read the the points that I need from "devices/STAC/EnervenueBMS"
                # read current SoC from battery system
        current_soc =
            point_name='EnerStation SOC'
Then I send my command to “devices/STAC/DynapowerInverter” using the actuator (after scheduling time for control of the device):
        result =
            'platform.actuator', 'set_multiple_points', self.core.identity,topic_values).get(
-- Joe
From: Andrew Rodgers <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: "andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, February 23, 2024 at 11:45 AM
To: "Thompson, Joe via volttron-dev" <volttron-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Bora Akyol <fstshrk@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Thompson, Joe" <jthompson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [volttron-dev] [EXTERNAL] Re: Custom Controller Agent Causes Modbus Read Error
How is your control agent interacting with those devices? — Andrew Rodgers Co-Founder ACE IoT Solutions https: //aceiotsolutions. com [aceiotsolutions. com] On February 23, 2024 at 11: 42 AM EST volttron-dev@ eclipse. org wrote: Hi Bora, Thanks for
How is your control agent interacting with those devices?
Andrew Rodgers
ACE IoT Solutions
Image removed by sender. Sent from Front

On February 23, 2024 at 11:42 AM EST volttron-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Bora, 
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I do not really follow your point or know what I should do with this information. I have these 2 devices configured under the platform.driver like this:

PNG image

Is this what you mean by “multiplex the controls through the platform driver”?
-- Joe
From: Bora Akyol <fstshrk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 6:20 PM
To: volttron developer discussions <volttron-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Thompson, Joe" <jthompson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [volttron-dev] Custom Controller Agent Causes Modbus Read Error
Your modbus devices do not support multiple modbus primaries. You need to multiplex the controls through the platform driver. There is no reason to have two modbus primaries On Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 12: 25 PM Thompson, Joe via volttron-dev <volttron-dev@ eclipse. org>
Your modbus devices do not support multiple modbus primaries. 
You need to multiplex the controls through the platform driver. There is no reason to have two modbus primaries 
On Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 12:25 PM Thompson, Joe via volttron-dev <volttron-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Volttron Team, 



I am using Volttron 8.1.3 on a Raspberry Pi to coordinate the operation / testing of 2 devices over Modbus:

  1. An energy storage system with a BMS that Volttron’s platform.driver communicates with over modbus
  2. An inverter that also communicates with Volttron’s platform.driver via modbus


Using the Listener Agent I can see that the platform.driver is reading all of my modbus points perfectly every 5 seconds (see the attached volttron_Without_Controller.log).


I have a simple custom agent, enervenue_ctrlagent (see the “agent.txt” file, changed from “ []” for attaching), that is subscribed to the "devices/STAC/EnervenueBMS" topic and runs a simple read from the battery, decide what to do, and write to the inverter loop every 5 seconds when new "devices/STAC/EnervenueBMS" data comes in. The writing is just to a single “Output Power Command” register on the inverter. 


The Problem:

When enervenue_ctrlagent is installed and started, modbus reads of the inverter begin to fail. The controller’s attempts to write power setpoints are successful, but I start to receive this modbus_tk error (see the attached volttron_With_Controller.log):


Error! Filename not specified.



Expected Behavior:

I was expecting that my controller agent should be able to run in tandem with the platform agent with no conflicts between reading and writing, but something funny is happening that I don’t understand.


Any and all help is greatly appreciated! 


Joe Thompson

Engineer / Scientist

Electric Power Research Institute

Energy Storage and Distributed Generation

(912) 663-3407


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Agent documentation goes here.

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import logging
import sys
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from import Agent, Core, RPC
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import format_timestamp, get_aware_utc_now

import pandas as pd

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = "0.1"

def enervenue_ctrl(config_path, **kwargs):
    Parses the Agent configuration and returns an instance of
    the agent created using that configuration.

    :param config_path: Path to a configuration file.
    :type config_path: str
    :returns: EnervenueCtrl
    :rtype: EnervenueCtrl
        config = utils.load_config(config_path)
    except Exception:
        config = {}

    if not config:"Using Agent defaults for starting configuration.")

    setting1 = int(config.get('setting1', 1))
    setting2 = config.get('setting2', "some/random/topic")
    sched_path = config['control_schedule_path']

    return EnervenueCtrl(sched_path, setting1, setting2, **kwargs)

class EnervenueCtrl(Agent):
    Document agent constructor here.

    def __init__(self, sched_path, setting1=1, setting2="some/random/topic", **kwargs):
        super(EnervenueCtrl, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        _log.debug("vip_identity: " + self.core.identity)

        self.agent_id = "enervenue_sched_cntl"  #enervenue_ctrl

        self.sched_path = sched_path
        self.setting1 = setting1
        self.setting2 = setting2
        self.bms_write_device = 'STAC/EnervenueBMS'
        self.inverter_write_device = 'STAC/DynapowerInverter'
        self.inverter_rated_kw = 124.7

        # Configure the actual modbus writes and format the write request 
        self.dynapower_control = {
            'Fault Reset': 0,                       # 0: No Action 1: Reset All Latched Alarms/Faults
            'Operation Mode Select': 3,             # 1: Idle State 3: Grid-Tied Mode
            'Output Power Command': 0,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge
            'PCS Set Operation': 0,                 # 0: No Action 1: Start PCS Operation 2: Stop PCS Operation

        self.default_config = {
            "control_schedule_path": sched_path,
            "setting1": setting1,
            "setting2": setting2

        # Set a default configuration to ensure that self.configure is called immediately to setup
        # the agent."config", self.default_config)
        # Hook self.configure up to changes to the configuration file "config"., actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config")

    def configure(self, config_name, action, contents):
        Called after the Agent has connected to the message bus. If a configuration exists at startup
        this will be called before onstart.

        Is called every time the configuration in the store changes.
        config = self.default_config.copy()

        _log.debug("Configuring Agent")

            sched_path = config["control_schedule_path"]
            setting1 = int(config["setting1"])
            setting2 = str(config["setting2"])
        except ValueError as e:
            _log.error("ERROR PROCESSING CONFIGURATION: {}".format(e))

        self.setting1 = setting1
        self.setting2 = setting2
        self.sched_path = sched_path
        self.system_topic = "devices/STAC/DynapowerInverter"
        self.sched = pd.read_excel(self.sched_path)
        self.sched_step_ind = 0
        self.timed_step_end_utc = None if pd.isna(self.duration) else pd.Timestamp.utcnow() + pd.Timedelta(seconds=self.duration) 


        # self._create_subscriptions(self.setting2)

    def _create_subscriptions(self, topic):
        Unsubscribe from all pub/sub topics and create a subscription to a topic in the configuration which triggers
        the _handle_publish callback
        """"pubsub", None, None)

        # subscribe to all read data from the BMS'pubsub',

    def parse_control_step(self):
        # get details for the current control step
        self.ctrl_step = self.sched.loc[self.sched_step_ind]
        self.step_name = self.ctrl_step['Step']
        self.target_soc = self.ctrl_step['Target SoC (%)']
        self.power_cmd = self.ctrl_step['Power (kW)\n+ = discharge']
        self.duration = self.ctrl_step['Duration (s)']
        self.action = 'discharge' if self.power_cmd > 0 else 'charge' if self.power_cmd < 0 else 'idle'

    def _handle_publish(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
        Callback triggered by the subscription setup using the topic from the agent's config file

        For now we can write out all the control logic here
        # current_soc = float(message[0]['EnerStation SOC'])
        # read current SoC from battery system
        current_soc =
            point_name='EnerStation SOC'
        relay_status_topics = [self.bms_write_device + "/" + 'String %d Relay status' % s for s in range(1, 4)]
        point_results ='platform.actuator', 'get_multiple_points', relay_status_topics).get(timeout=1)
        connected_strings = sum([point_results[0][s] for s in relay_status_topics])
        # adjust the power request given the number of strings online. Right now String 1 is disabled, so only 2 strings are available.
            power_command = (self.power_cmd / 2) * connected_strings
        except ZeroDivisionError as e:
            do_not_proceed = True
  "No Strings are connected. Stopping the inverter.")
                    'Output Power Command': 0,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge
                    'PCS Set Operation': 2,             # 0: No Action 1: Start PCS Operation 2: Stop PCS Operation

        # convert power command into percent of rated power
        power_command_pct = (power_command / self.inverter_rated_kw) * 100

        # if the current step name is not an integer then send an idle command
            do_not_proceed = False
        except ValueError as e:
            do_not_proceed = True
  "Schedule was completed. Stopping the inverter.")
                    'Output Power Command': 0,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge
                    'PCS Set Operation': 2,             # 0: No Action 1: Start PCS Operation 2: Stop PCS Operation
        # check whether we are in a timed / duration step
        if self.timed_step_end_utc is not None:        # we are within a timed step
            if pd.Timestamp.utcnow() < self.timed_step_end_utc:
                # send write command that corresponds to this step
                        'Output Power Command': power_command_pct,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge
                # do not proceed with the rest of control logic
                # wait for next read from battery

            else:                   # enough time has passed move on to the next step
                self.timed_step_end_utc = None
                self.sched_step_ind += 1

        if pd.isna(self.duration):  # then this is a power / SoC command
            if (self.action == 'charge') & (current_soc < self.target_soc):
                        'Output Power Command': -20 #power_command_pct,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge
      "Sent charge command of %0.1fkW" % power_command)

            elif (self.action == 'discharge') & (current_soc > self.target_soc):
      "Sending discharge command of %0.1fkW" % power_command)
                        'Output Power Command': power_command_pct,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge

            else:                   # move on to the next step and execute that step
                self.sched_step_ind += 1
                self.timed_step_end_utc = None if pd.isna(self.duration) else pd.Timestamp.utcnow() + pd.Timedelta(seconds=self.duration) 
      "Moving on to next step with power of %0.1fkW" % power_command)
                        'Output Power Command': power_command_pct,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge

        else:                       # this must be a duration command
            self.timed_step_end_utc = None if pd.isna(self.duration) else pd.Timestamp.utcnow() + pd.Timedelta(seconds=self.duration) 
                        'Output Power Command': power_command_pct,          # Percentage of rated power (124.7kW), negative = charge

    def write_to_device(self, device, write_values):
        Write some points to a device

        # Create a start and end timestep to serve as the times we reserve to communicate with the device
        _now = get_aware_utc_now()
        str_now = format_timestamp(_now)
        _end = _now + pd.Timedelta(seconds=3600)
        str_end = format_timestamp(_end)
        # Wrap the timestamps and device topic (used by the Actuator to identify the device) into an actuator request
        schedule_request = [[device, str_now, str_end]]
        # Use a remote procedure call to ask the actuator to schedule us some time on the device"schedule_request {}".format(schedule_request))
        result =
            'platform.actuator', 'request_new_schedule', self.core.identity, 'my_test', 'HIGH', schedule_request).get(

        # start by creating our topic_values
        topic_values = []
        for point, value in write_values.items():
            # create a (topic, value) tuple and add it to our topic values
            topic_values.append((device + '/' + point, value))

        # Now use another RPC call to ask the actuator to set the point during the scheduled time"Modbus points to write: {}".format(topic_values))
        result =
            'platform.actuator', 'set_multiple_points', self.core.identity, topic_values).get(
            timeout=1)"Modbus write response: {}".format(result))

    def onstart(self, sender, **kwargs):
        This is method is called once the Agent has successfully connected to the platform.
        This is a good place to setup subscriptions if they are not dynamic or
        do any other startup activities that require a connection to the message bus.
        Called after any configurations methods that are called at startup.

        Usually not needed if using the configuration store.
        # Example publish to pubsub
        #'pubsub', "some/random/topic", message="HI!")"Schedule Controller started")

        # Example RPC call
        #"some_agent", "some_method", arg1, arg2)

    def onstop(self, sender, **kwargs):
        This method is called when the Agent is about to shutdown, but before it disconnects from
        the message bus.



    def rpc_method(self, arg1, arg2, kwarg1=None, kwarg2=None):
        RPC method

        May be called from another agent via
        return self.setting1 + arg1 - arg2

def main():
    """Main method called to start the agent."""

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Entry point for script
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

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