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From: Haack, Jereme N
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 1:39 PM
To: volttron-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Eclipse VOLTTRON Office Hours Agenda for 4/14/2023 at 11am Pacific
Eclipse VOLTTRON Community,
At tomorrow’s office hours we will have a quick report back from the Drivers Working Group followed by a presentation of the
Heat Recovery Fault Detection and Diagnostic Agent
being developed at PNNL.
Heat recovery systems (i.e., heat exchangers) are common in dedicated outdoor ventilations systems. The heat recovery systems exchange heat with the exhaust air stream to heat incoming outdoor air during cold weather conditions or cool
outdoor air during warm weather conditions. If these systems are not operating correctly this can result is a significant energy penalty. This agent uses real-time data from the VOLTTRON platform to identify when these heat recovery systems are not operating
as intended.
See you tomorrow!
Topic: Eclipse VOLTTRON Office Hours
Time: Apr 14, 2023 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Fri, until Jun 20, 2025, 58 occurrence(s)
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