Eclipse VOLTTRON community,
The Eclipse VOLTTRON platform modular release candidate is available on the Eclipse space in github: This is a major restructure of the platform with the goal of increasing flexibility, deployment options, and increasing the ability of the contributors to make additions and targeted
revisions. As such, this pre-release version of the code is being made available for the community to engage with to bring it to full release status
Packages included in this release candidate are listed here: Community experience and feedback will help guide the development as additional modules are brought over to the modular code with BACnet and the ForwarderAgent slated for the end of December. Additionally,
we will be forming a subgroup for those interested in the full separation of the message bus, Authorization, and Authentication services.
This initial platform release candidate includes a quickstart document (
showing how to exercise installation and execution of the basic services included in this release.
Thanks to all who have given us feedback during the process of undertaking this restructure. We will be working to update all documentation and providing hands-on sessions to help you get started. We’re looking forward to working with the
community in this new structure and expanding opportunities for community contributions.
The release will be the topic of this Friday’s office hours with a demonstration of the quickstart instructions, a kickoff of the Message Bus/Auth working group, and a discussion of switching over to Eclipse resources for communication
(such as the mailing list).
As a reminder, the current Production release of VOLTTRON is the 8.2 release from September:
Again, thank you all and we’re looking forward to working with you on bringing the modular codebase to full production and deployment!
PNNL Dev Team