Here is a draft of the proposal to the planning council. Comments
The Eclipse User Interface Best
Practices Working Group wishes to make a proposal to the
Eclipse Planning Council to encourage the participation of the project groups
in the activities of the working group. We believe this will improve the
usability and user experience in and across the projects making up the
simultaneous release.
Background: The EMO was instructed by the Board to
facilitate the creation of a working group to focus on usability and UI in
Eclipse. This has happened and the User Interface Best
Practices Working Group has the charter to help improve the
usability across the Eclipse projects that are part of the simultaneous release
effort. In addition to updating the Eclipse User Interface Guidelines, the
group will also participate in and facilitate the following activities to
improve the user interface experience:
- Trigger usability post-mortems
to be performed by the different projects
- Conduct regular "show and
tells" with UI leads from the projects to shed spotlight on problem
areas and promote good ideas as best practices
- Do an end of release UI review
and come up with a cross-project list of polish items
The wiki for the working group can be found at:
And a detailed description of the activities can be found
Proposal: The User Interface Best
Practices Working Group wishes to propose the following
- The group requests that the
Planning Council makes the output of the usability post-mortems a
requirement for participation in the simultaneous release. Specifically,
that the projects shall hold usability post-mortems and a prioritized list
of usability issues to be addressed shall be posted on the project wiki.
- The group requests that the
Planning Council recommends that the projects participate in UI show and
tells with the goal of sharing information on UI best practices and
- The group requests that the
Planning Council makes the output of the UI Polish Review a part of the
release exit criteria. Specifically, that the projects shall hold UI
Polish Reviews and a final fix list shall be posted on the project wiki.
We thank your consideration of this matter.