2009/9/14 Tom Schindl
Cyril Lakech schrieb:
> Hi,
> I am back with the open source system. I used my spare time to launch a
> Java User Group in Lille in France in the last 4 mounth. The JUG is a
> success and the 3 next session are ready to go ! Next step on 21,
> september with Redhat/JBoss/Hibernate Search & Validation prezos with
> Emmanuel Bernard. BTW, I am sorry for this long time without posting !
No problem welcome back.
> I prefer to checkout again all the stuff from ufk instead of doing an
> update. I manage to create a new working workspace ;-)
> The site get.qtsoftware.com <http://get.qtsoftware.com> seems to be
I'll take a look maybe they changed their URL.
> The psf file are a great tool to share workspace configuration accross
> the web but to checkout each project separatly is a very long task and
> we may have a faster process if we download all the virtual-structure
> folder and then import the project in eclipse.
But how do you then commit back?
I think I'm not clear enought because of my frenghlish
1/ You checkout the vitual-structure directory (with a psf if needed)
2/ You then close the project checkouted/imported
3/ You import all the project you need (org.eclipse.ufacekit.*)
4/ Code whatever you need in those project
5/ Commit/update these projects (because .svn is present in each subdirectory you can commit just a directory of the virtualstructure)
But just don't care about that, it is not a priority, just an advice that may help new contributors, but is there any new contributors in the area ? Unfortunatly not ;-) Maybe after the Eclipse DemoCamp in November !
> In a maven point of view, we should have a pom in proper, incubation and
> example folder and a pom in each project. Then we must use tycho to
> build all this stuff. We use tycho at work to build a big Eclipse
> project with success.
The pom-Files we have point to the virtual structure (see my other maile
from before on those different structures).
I didn't know this svn external way of coding... great tool. I will see how to use it on our project at work.
So when I commit java source on ufacekit , the commit comes in the bundle directory not in the develop one. It is Magik !
> Let me know what is new since may on the ufk project.
Well. Some things have happened since then:
- I released a Databinding from Eclipse 3.5 for GWT
- We (one of my employees) worked on SmartGWT bindings a bit
(not sure if we commited back all those fixes)
- I worked heavily on a port of Qooxdoo for GWT (outside UFaceKit)
- I setted up an external Host where provide code I don't intend to
release under EPL (http://www.ufacekit.org/)
Great ! I see the databinding working very well in the sample. We need to develop Databinding for Combo, List etc.
For the Googlecode svn respo of ufacekit, you are going to migrate all this stuff to the new
ufacekit.org. I see a few questions on the googlecode page of the project this summer.
Can we change these page to redirect to Eclipse wiki page ?
Do you use tweeter ? Here is mine cyrillakech
My next step is to finish the viewers for GWT and smartGWT and then implement the layout.
Could you give me a few tips for the layout (samples) ?
> Bst Rgds,
> Cyril
> PS: Could one of you could come in France (paid with a sponsor) for a
> talk about Eclipse wonderfull stuff ? For the Eclipse DemoCamp or a
> Ch'ti JUG event ?
You mean for Sept 21? No but I'm probably open to come to talk e.g.
about e4, ... .
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