On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Cyril Lakech
<cyril.lakech@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What about the source on the google svn repo ?
Is the Eclipse repo the official one ? I see pom in the googlecode one but not in the eclipse one.
The eclipse one should be the official one.
In a maven point of view, we should have a pom in proper, incubation and example folder and a pom in each project. Then we must use tycho to build all this stuff. We use tycho at work to build a big Eclipse project with success.
Indeed. I have been messing around with tycho and this seems to work allright. But:
- tycho is currently in beta ... or even alpha stage.
- tycho does not work well combined with felix. tycho uses the manifest first principle, whereas felix uses the pom first principle. There are plans to have a pom first principle implemented in tycho as well, but it does not exist currently.
- tycho works with a patched version of maven 3, which is also still beta. For the moment, I have not been able to use maven 3 to build an OSGi bundle with the felix plugin.
- tycho will release if maven 3 gets out (according to what I read on their mailing list). But it is currently not known when maven 3 will be released.
The build currently works more or less. When tycho gets released, I think we should tycho to build uface, but for the moment I don't see any benefits.