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[udig-devel] Day 5 - D Day

Did not manage to kick a build off today, but I can report the results of yesterdays testing.

The wiki is tracking progress pretty well:

We have tested 4/6 environments - here is what was left:
- linux32
- win32 

We have tested 2/5 guides - here is what was left:
- walkthrough 1
- walkthrough 2


Update Spatial Toolbox documentation to match inputs an documentation tabs
- I updated the instructions, but not the screen snaps. It will suffice.

DnD of File into Map does not work when already registered in Catalog
- It sounds like this DnD bug that was annoying me so much had been previously encountered by Moovida / Silvia. I was only able to reproduce it on Windows 7, frank was able to test on number of platforms (including Windows) and was not able to reproduce.

Point layers are visualized always with grey squares instead of random colour
- chased this into the SLDContent.createDefaultStyle method, needs a run through with the debugger to determine cause

Edit tools for line layers should start with the edit and not with trim
- may not be able to fix this as it is based on extension point order (fix would be to add a priority)

Add Action to Editor Toolbar to Clear Selection
- the edit menu has something already, frank explored several ideas in IRC but has not taken action

Delete Map from the Project View will corrupt the other Maps BLOCKER
- was considered a blocker on IRC last night
- problem isolated to the Delete class (An action responsible for removing EMF Items including Map)
- workaround was to "uncheck" the delete files option when deleting a map
- temporary "hack" was to remove the checkbox and default to not deleting files when deleting a map

Problems in execution from Geoscript Console
- jody tested on mac
- moovida tested on linux and windows

DnD of GeoTiff to Layers added to Catalog but not Map
Image and PDF Export from Map is broken (An unexpected failure occurred: null)
- fixed earlier in the week

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