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Re: [udig-devel] Contributing

Thinking …

The traditional github workflow is to
1) make a fork of the uDig repository
2) push your fix up to your fork
3) from the github website, navigate to your fork, and issue a pull request

You can also attach a patch to the issue tracker, creating a patch can be done with "git diff".

Finally you can ask for commit permission on the email list and we can add you to the project.

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 18 July 2012 at 4:05 AM, Owen Brown wrote:

As near as I can tell I fixed the NPE – I can no longer reproduce it. I’ve tried to commit but I don’t know if I have the correct permissions to do so. Is there anything I need to do that I’m forgetting?



Owen Brown


Catalyst IT Services

(971) 998-8379


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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