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Re: [udig-devel] Move KML Import/Export Capabilities into a separate bundle

Hi Frank,

> I just had a look at the bundle and I would like
> propose a refactoring to extract the kml import/export feature into a
> separate bundle.
> What do you think about a new bundle that is
> basically taken from the mentioned bundle above and from package

It is really ok for and I am happy this leads to a serious kml tool. I
added the functionality without very deep thought, more based on what
geotools already had. So I am +1 for this.

the only thing I would do is to move it to a:
or maybe even

since it has surely nothing to do with jgrass.

Are you planning to make it a kind of datastore, i.e. load kml
directly in the catalog? Or would it be more a import/export tool?

> I'd like to describe the reason: First of all, it has no other
> dependencies then geoapi, geotools and core udig api.
> IMHO its easier to configure an end-user-product thats would like to
> have kml support has nor requirements to show and analyze profiles,
> have CVS support and all the other nice features from the tools.jgrass
> bundle.
> Last but not least its easier to maintain and enhance (e.g. kml style support)
> In case you like the idea, should I create a new RFC for this
> enhancement as well as a new issue in jira? Do you have other
> suggestions?

That all sounds great to me.
Thanks Frank!

> Cheers
> Frank

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