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[udig-devel] tool visibility / actionsets example (jesse design constraint help)

So because of this, the first if condition is never met (if( contextService.getDefinedContextIds().contains(categoryId)))

So I must not be understanding the other code; or it must be wrong :( 

Is there a list of tools that can not be used on a regular image (no features) that we could check against instead? If not might have to make one.

Good question: The CustomApplication document covers this let me check ...

9. Repeat this process for the following additional entries: (actionSet)  (actionSet) (actionSet)

So not quite what we were looking for... I went looking at the tool extension point and could not find the information there. So it must not exist.

Jesse Eichar provided the following constraint: "How to filter out tools from the toolbar manager (unless a migration plan is provided)"
Since it is not done with AcitonSets I am not sure how it is done ... so we will have to ask him what he meant.

I did look up the "context id" information; it is part of how menus work here:

As usual the eclipse wiki is a bit more readable:


From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jody Garnett
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 11:28 AM
To: User-friendly Internet GIS
Subject: [udig-devel] tool visibility / actionsets example


Hi John:


So we are down to two things before docs a) visibility b) enablement


I found a decent code example for visibility. It is controlled with ActionSets (which is something that is part of the perspective definition; so the perspective can turn off tool categories that would otherwise annoy users).


Inside MentuToolcategory.contirbute(IMenuManager) the have the following:


1) looking up the current action sets


        IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();

        IContextService contextService = (IContextService) workbench.getService(IContextService.class);

        Collection<String> active = (Collection<String> )contextService.getActiveContextIds();


2) when "contributing" tools


        for( ModalItem item : this ) {

            ToolProxy tool = (ToolProxy) item;

            String categoryId = tool.getCategoryId();

            if( contextService.getDefinedContextIds().contains(categoryId)){

                // we have an context for this tool category

                if( !active.contains( categoryId )){

                    continue; // skip this category please!




We should be able to do something similar when defining our paletteRoot :-) Please reply to this email and tell me if the above works for you...
Jody Garnett

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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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