Lol; We got in trouble with that for the GeoTools project. (c) was assigned to the "GeoTools PMC"; although that did not exist as a legal organisation. As a result we need to hunt down all the committers ever when we joined the OSGeo foundation; and ask them to send in paper work donating their code to the foundation.
Nope, Refractions owns the copywrite on the work they did, but then again so do you.
Rather than do a code contribution agreement we have been accepting contributions and keeping the copyright assigned to the person who made the contribution. This is how PostGIS works; the side effect is that we cannot change the license from LGPL (since that was the project license that the project was under when people donated code).
The (c) refractions research and others is in the same spirit as the eclipse splash screen that has "eclipse foundation and others". In our case it is refractions, osgeo foundation (ie geotools), vivid solutions (ie jts).
JTS is another interesting case where the work was done by Martin at vivid solutions; he does not own the result but has access to it via a license and continues to work on it to this day.
Jody Garnett
On Wednesday, 2 March 2011 at 7:01 PM, Craig Taverner wrote:
Surely the 'Copyright Refractions Research' needs to change to 'Copyright Udig Community'?
(You can always put the refractions branding with the PSC branding, should you decide to include the PSC branding, which does clash a lot I think)
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Jody Garnett
<jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
One more; trying the logos for PSC members.
May need to try that again; fading the logos to gray or something.