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Re: [udig-devel] two questions

Hi Farzad,

Please see below..

On Aug 16, 2010, at 6:27 AM, Farzad Mahdikhani wrote:

For 2) you're going to have to get deeply into the bowels of product packaging and so that's not really a simple answer. To put it briefly, with Eclipse there is no clean way to disable someone (i.e. another feature developer's) contribution. But there are hooks to rename these things in product.ini, or you could go mucking around with product configurations or one of about half a dozen orthogonal ways that Eclipse sort of manages this. Have fun, but bottom line is that it had better be really really important for you to want to do this. ;)


it seems that you are right and there is no straight forward way to do this. For example I looked at net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui plug-in which seems to be where the "Data" menu is added to the udig (in the plugin.xml file). So, it seems that I could disable or change the "Data" menu from here.
So I need to probe the source code to see where a menu is added to the uDig and disable or change it from there, m I right? 

Yeah, actually the case where you have the ability to change the plugin that is contributing the menu item or whatever is just do minor surgery on that plugin and include your own version. :) (And hope no-one will try to install it from the other provider as well as then you'll wind up with all sorts of provisioning problems, but anyway..) 

Also, there is one other route that could work for cases like these where the menu is associated with a plugin. You can actually make individual menus hidden for a given perspective. I think its justlike "hideMenu" or something but look at the perspective extension.

However, with "Help" items and other Eclipse contributed stuff there still aren't super easy answers.

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