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Re: [udig-devel] Problems with refresh.xml in net.refractions.udig.libs

It is present in (which is used as a stable repository). is uesd as a snapshot repository (ie 2.6-SNAPSHOT).


On 11/08/2010, at 6:35 AM, Kenneth Gulbrandsoy wrote:


I'm having a go at downloading and building uDig from trunk, which makes it possible for me to supply patches when I find bugs and so on. But it seems like geotools version 2.6.5 is not uploaded to (which according to the revision history is the official geotools version as of revision 31931). 

Since the 2.6.5 tag does not exist in, the 'full-build' ant script in refresh.xml fails. The 2.6-SNAPSHOT exists however, which refresh.xml builds fine. 

Could anyone confirm this problem? 
Another issue I hope someone could help me with, is the org.apache.log4j dependency in the libs project. Why is this dependency not downloaded by refresh.xml into the lib catalog? Instead the jar is packaged into the the org.apache.log4j project, which is not visible in the libs project. The question is: how can I add the log4j jar to the runtime dependencies in the libs plugin? I could of course just copy it into the lib catalog, but I quess this would be cheating. 


Kenneth Gulbrandsøy

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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