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Re: [udig-devel] small updates ...

Second small update:
- The Feature View is now done
- I added a title bar that shows the FeatureID right now; I could see registering a LabelProvider per FeatureType (ie being able to make nice titles for a feature would be good!)

Moving on to poping up a dialog:
- found the correct place for a hook (and am just popping up a message dialog now if there are any panels available
- will make a dialog out of the panels tomorrow
- will revise IFeatureSite based on the experience

Any questions Andrea? Are you going to manage to look at things?


On 04/05/2010, at 2:09 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> It seems I am too busy to send large updates; so here are a series of small updates on feature panel implementing; mostly for moovida who would like to make his own shortly.
> Code review with Jesse
> - thanks to jesse for code review
> - we *could* get away with using PropertyEditor heirarchy (probably) but it forces the use of grid layouer; and we would like to use mig layout. And we are editing attributes and attribute desriptor performs a lot of the validation for us already
> - 
> Things for implementors:
> - FeaturePanel is an abstract implementation of IFeaturePanel; it offers an implementation of refresh/dispose/etc build around a list of attributefields; you populate that list with an addField method
> - keep looking at country feature panel as an example
> Jody

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