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[udig-devel] Re: Commit Access and pgRouting module

Hey Tim :-)

Thanks for looking at net.refractions.udig.graph - I had a couple of reasons to ask you to look at it:
- it may be what you need? (but since you are doing pgRouting...)
- we may make a plan on how to integrate both graph functionality

You have done the first step required to get commit access (ie email the udig-devel email list; I will email admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and ask for you to get commit access - although Refractions does have a PSC member on staff right now it appears as if emily is more active). I do ask that you go over the developers guide - specifically the udig guidelines and the eclipse house rules.

If I can also ask you to leave some time at the end of your project to work on integrating; the unsupported module idea is great for quickly doing a contract for a customer - but it can be bad for improving core udig unless we are disciplined.

Here are some idea to leave with you for how your work can be integrated:
1. Get what you need for your customer (ie create net.refractions.udig.routing in a community module) - make an API you can use to talk to pgRouting services - do this in the most direct fashion possible - add a IResolveFactory teaching PostGISGeoResoruceImpl (or PostGISServiceImpl) how to adapt to your API based on check if pgRouting is installed - sort out your workflow (do you define a bunch of waypoints and then run a wizard? do you run a wizard to set routing constratins and then define waypoints to generate a route?) 2. take the tools defined in the graph module and have them check if the current layer resolves to your API; and if so have them call your API. 3. Ask me, jesse or another PSC member to review your module and we will add your code to the net.refractions.udig.graph module.

Before you start you should understand how the existing graph module works:
- some kind of graph set up (in net.refractions.udig.graph an operation is called to turn the current seleciton into a graph). In your plugin you may want to run a wizard and configure pgRouting access; although you could do it just once against your PostGISGeoResource if you like; and not have it be map specific. Or depending on how pgRouting works you may just have a preference page and configure pgRouting on the fly as it is needed on a table by table basis? - way points are added to a layer blackboard by a tool; the tricky part is snapping the point to the road in question (you may need to snap to a node rather than an edge?) - an operation is called to find the shortest route between the waypoints. Other operations of course can be written

If possible write up any workflow or design documents in the HACK space (since that is what it is used for). Finally we are looking at doing a code sprint later this month; Jesse and myself may focus on bug fixing; and also answering questions for people doing new work. There is also a weekly IRC meeting that Emily has been good about attending that is smack dab in the middle of your work day; I would be happy to review any design ideas you had prepaired at that time.


Tim Wetzer wrote:
Hi Jody,

I wrote to the list about a routing project I was doing and was wondering about commit access. You mentioned that I should have a look at net.refractions.udig.graph first.

I had a look, and it isn't really applicable to what I'm doing. My routing is based on pgRouting and using a PostGIS connection. It would be nice if I could have community commit access so that I can start committing my plug-in. Is there anything I need to do for this?

Tim Wetzer
Refractions Research
(250) 383-3022
Email: twetzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:twetzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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