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Re: [udig-devel] Versions of dependant libraries used

Hi Nilesh:

Check the refresh.xml script for the details; on trunk here we tend to use the latest. I was actually waiting until I released the version of GeoTools 2.6 before making us an SDK to play with. I can try and mention a few version numbers when the SDK is published.

Off the top of my head:
- imageio-ext 1.0.1 (that is what we were waiting for)
- geotools 2.6-m1 (I just published it to maven now; and have not announced yet)
- jts-1.9.1 or whatever the latest is
- gdal - no idea (it probably depends on which JRE you downloaded - we have a couple new requirements about a GDAL_HOME environmental variable from the imageio-ext project that I have not figured out how to handle yet)

What I would like to see mentioned in the release docs is a bit more on what is new; we should probably start a new wiki page on that subject for the user guide...


Nilesh Choure wrote:

Can anyone tell me what are version's of different dependent libraries is being used with Version 1.2. e.g. Geotools, JTS, GDAL etc.

It would be nice to have it mentioned in Release docs.
Thanks & regards,
Nilesh Choure
nilesh.gis@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nilesh.gis@xxxxxxxxx>

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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