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RE: [udig-devel] udig 1.2-M2 vpf and friends


I have just checked in some modifications to the WMSCTileUtils class to take a Geometry along with the TileSet. This is used to give the prefetching a region to download rather than the entire tileset. This is can be null and the entire tileset will be prefatched (original functionality).

I have also modified the to change how the TileCache is instantiated, line 122:

WAS: tempCache.setMemoryThreshold(1.0f);
NOW: tempCache.setMemoryThreshold(0.75f);

Reason for this change was: according to the javadoc ( when the cache memory is full, the memory usage will be reduced to this fraction of the total memory capacity. Which means the original value of 1.0f was telling it to clean 0% of the cache, 0.75f tells it to clean 25% of the cache.



-----Original Message-----
From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jody Garnett
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:25 PM
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: [udig-devel] udig 1.2-M2 vpf and friends

Thanks for the testing and feedback Silvia; I have uploaded a new round with a couple fixes for linux.

Other small changes today:
- I deployed geotools again; moovida has been able to build using refresh.xml
- small patch to path handling for linux
- released a vpf build of udig (windows vista has a new "window manager"
and this release uses it for a slightly different visial appearance)
- I noticed that the JAI TileCache was being thrown out on each and every draw; I have changed the RenderContext to hold on to the TileCache until the context is disposed(). This should result in improved performance; although it may be wise to have a single TileCache for the entire application and place the configuration under use control in the preferences

Please give it a go :-)


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