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Re: [udig-devel] Filtering datas from a database

oh, right. I knew I had seen this code somewhere in our app (we do data filtering like described by Jacques):

getLayer().getStyleBlackboard().put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.LAYER__DATA_QUERY, filter);

I thought it was layer.setFilter. So, what's setFilter for?


Jesse Eichar wrote:

We need to rename the packages from internal to something less frightening. When it comes to net.refractions.udig.project the internal packages can be used but NOT the internal.impl packages. The idea was to make people reluctant to use the internal classes because most of the things should be done with Commands not direct. Commands allow roll-back. Problem was that for setting up maps and so on it is annoying to do it through commands.

As for filtering features I would recommend trying to make use of the view work. It has a couple bugs but in general works. The way to do it is to put a Filter on the styleblackboard with the key: net.refractions.udig.project.ProjectBlackboardConstants.ProjectBlackboardConstants.LAYER__DATA_QUERY


On 19-Dec-08, at 10:24 AM, Jacques LESCOT wrote:

Thanks for your quick answer.

Unfortunately, I have still the same problem.
I will try to reformulate : I have a table called LOCATION_POINT with two fields (an ID and a LOCATION - the spatial information for the geometry). I could have lot of datas (1000+) in this table and I would like to retrieve ONLY the data with a given ID, and then show the associated geometry (a Point in this case) on a Map. I want to execute a request llike SELECT * FROM LOCATION_POINT WHERE ID="681" I think there should be a generic way to ask such a thing through Geotools (any example on how this could be achieved on a ShapeFile ? Assuming behavior should be the same with a database) using request/filtering capabilities, but I can not figure out how to get it working.

Any clue ?

Here are some inline comments on your last answser,

Ugo Taddei a écrit :

Hello Jacques,

you'll find a Layer.setFilter(Filter). This should work for you. But you
must set after

The Layer class is defined inside an internal package : should it be directly used by clients ?
 resourceList, 1, null, true);

and not in the loop. That is, when you have the layer. The effect should
be the same, however, only it's a higher level approach. udig would sort
the issues with the actual data store out.

The result of adding a Filter on a Layer is that all datas are displayed, and those satisfying my filter are selected with a black rectangle. My need is to filter datas before retrieving them from the database.
You seem to be going too deep when you're asking for a OracleDataStore.
It'd be interesting to know whether there's any performance benefit from
this. (I guess not.)

Yes you are probably right : no need to cast absolutely into an OracleDataStore.

Hope that helps.



Jacques LESCOT said:

Hi uDig'gers ! I am new on the uDig world and I am having some troubles
while trying to filter some datas from an Oracle database.

I have a database that consist of a set of tables : three of them
contain spatial informations. I am able to retrieve the whole content of a given table, but now I would like to filter datas to be displayed on a map : particularly, I would like to filter only geometries corresponding
to a given ID.

Here is the snippet of code I got currently :

    IServiceFactory factory =
    for (IService service : factory.createService(params)) { // params
is the map containing informations to connect to the database
        if( service.canResolve(OracleDataStore.class )){
            try {
                OracleDataStore database =
service.resolve(OracleDataStore.class, new NullProgressMonitor());
                // This statement allows me to retrieve datas only for
the LOCATION_POINT table ...
                FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>
featureSource = database.getFeatureSource("LOCATION_POINT");
                // Add here filter [1]

                List<IGeoResource> resourceList = new
                for (IResolve nextElt : service.members(new
NullProgressMonitor())) {
                    if (nextElt instanceof IGeoResource) {
                        resourceList.add((IGeoResource) nextElt);

resourceList, 1, null, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {

Then, I tried the following to only filter a particular row of my table :

    // This code should go to the [1]
    FilterFactory ff = new FilterFactoryImpl();
    Filter myFilter ="LOCATION_POINT.681")));

... but with no success :-/

Any help would be appreciated.

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*Jacques LESCOT*
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<Signature_AWT.jpg> Jacques LESCOT
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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Ugo Taddei

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