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Re: AW: [udig-devel] udig product export

Okay time for me to make a new extras download then ... I noticed it does not include ObjectAID or the uDig developers guide. If you ever need to make an extras yourself the documentation is in the developers guide ....

Thanks for the info

Wellmann, Harald wrote:
I had the same problem with the which does not seem to be up to date (neither for 3.4.1 nor for 3.4).

I simply took the official delta pack from
With that, I got my batch builds work.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jody Garnett
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. November 2008 05:16
An: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Betreff: Re: [udig-devel] udig product export

We have not upgraded to 3.4.1 yet; thus there is not a specific extras download for it yet. If you follow the manual instructions on the wiki it will talk you through how to download the delta pack... although I think more and more of that is done from the update manager now.


Gabriel Roldan wrote:
Hi list,

I've been trying to create a udig build for trunk using the product export wizard.
After messing a bit this is what I found (btw, my eclipse build is
3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700)
- it seems like the delta pack in the is
outdated and hence
an error occurs if trying to export the product saying the org.eclipse.equinox.xxxx plugin can't be found
- I don't know where to download an up to date delta pack from
- so I just removed the equinox feature from the dropins/extras dir and was able to export for my current platform. Yet, it
would be good
to be able of getting an up to date delta pack. Is it
something that
can be installed through the update manager at all?


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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