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Re: [udig-devel] Single UDig Layer with Multipe WMS Layers

Joe Dente wrote:


Is it possible to fetch multiple WMS layers merged into a single IGeoResource?

Point of interest: uDig will send out a single GetMap request if several WMS Layers from the same server are on your Map. So I find your question a bit surprising.

Sort of; WMS Layers have a parent / child relationship. Many WMS servers let you request a folder and will draw you a picture of all of the contents. This is especially important when the folder contains the same information at different scales; it allows you to automatically display data at the correct resolution.

The second answer is yes; you can define a GeoResource on your own that acts as a "view" combining several existing WMS layers. This is a construct that would only be available on the client; it does not reflect anything to do with the server, and it would be a fair bit of work.

Can I ask for clarification; you actually mean IGeoResource and not Layer?

I have UDig connected to a WMS server on Geotools. I construct my layers by first adding the WMS server to the catalog and then using ICatalog.getById() to retrieve layers from the WMS server. This works well for adding IGeoResources to my map one at a time. I would like to fetch multiple layers in a single request so that Geoserver can do all of the work involved in merging multiple WMS images into a single image. For example, with openMap I can use http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?&request=GetMap&layers=tiger:poly_landmarks,tiger:tiger_roads <http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?&request=GetMap&layers=tiger:poly_landmarks,tiger:tiger_roads> to retrieve multiple layers with a single request, so that openMap only receives a single image representing both layers; all of the calculations involving features and combining the two layers into a single image are performed by the non-client computer hosting Geoserver. I would like to do something similar with UDig while interacting with the catalog containing my WMS.

Right so if you have dragged poly_landmarks and tiger_roads onto a Map in uDig you will find a single request is sent off to GeoServer as you pan around.

Now it could be that as you drag them on one at a time; each request is sent off on its own. We could ask the Renderer to not do anything when performing a drag with a couple of things selected .... After you start panning around a bit and you can check your geoserver to confirm that a single GetMap request is sent with both layers listed.


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