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Re: [udig-devel] trouble getting 1.1 workspace up and running

I hope you found these instructions here:

For libs there is a page on getting it to work:

You will need to open the copy.xml script and run a couple of the targets to make sure everything is downloaded, and then refresh so eclipse knows about it. Finally you may need to update your .classpath as a last resort.

If you continue to have trouble jump on to the #udig IRC channel and I will see if I can give you a hand. Somethings confuse me; we use jts-1.9 now for example.


I want to build my own uDig to be able to work on uDig bugs important to me. For some reason, I have lots of problems just getting the build environment up and running.

 * ...udig.libs "manifest has no main section".
* ...udig.libs manifest has a Require-Bundle: org.apache.xerces;visibility:=reexport, but eclipse complain that 'org.apache.xerces" cannot be resolved. * ...udig.libs does not have all the jars in the build path, so there are lots of errors in manifest. * ...udig.core uses com.vividsolutions.jts.util.Progress, but is not found in jts-1.8 * my first run resulted in a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/geotools/referencing/FactoryFinder at net.refractions.udig.internal.ui.UDIGApplication.loadCommonlyUsedObject(

 - Tore.
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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