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Re: [udig-devel] Problem with FeatureCollection, FeatureTableControl and CollectionListener

Hi Jesse,

Am 15.02.2008 um 06:09 schrieb Jesse Eichar:

Hi Ingmar,

So I have a few points.

1. I think in the case of the Geometry column always being GEOMETRY isn't actually caused by createTemporaryResource(). I just checked. You can see the feature type of a layer by right click on a layer and viewing its properties. 2. I am dragging this out of the dark corners of my mind but if I remember correctly it is actually the FeatureTableControl that does that. For some reason the implementor decided to label the Geometry column GEOMETRY always. And I think it just displays the type of geometry.
OK. But this isnt a very good choice, because you get an exception when you dont call your Attribute "GEOMETRY". Someone shoud create a bug report to fix this.

3. A very minor point: You are getting LATLONG by using CRS.decode("EPSG"4326") this is not the most efficient way of doing it, at least for this version of uDig. I'd suggest DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84.
Thanks for the hint.

Now for your question about events. There are a few things you have to know.

1. Most events that are fired from feature operations will occur in a background thread so they cannot update the UI directly. Rather you have to run the update in the Display thread.

The display thread can usually be obtained by: PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();

Now that you have the display you can run a runnable in the display thread using the method syncExec(runnable) or asyncExec(runnable).

2. To get a commit event from the FeatureStore is VERY hard right now, although we are fixing on uDig/Geotools trunk. So for the commit event I would suggest listening to the EditManager. For the individual edit events I would listen to the FeatureSource as you are doing.
Yes this helps. i will use the (a)syncExec(runnable) methods. i used them before but i didnt remember. thanks


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