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Re: [udig-devel] Axions plugins with 1.1RC13

On Friday 01 February 2008, Jody Garnett wrote:
> The Axios tools did not survive the upgrade to JTS 1.9; there is a fix
> for them on uDig trunk. We best talk to the developers and see if they
> plan to back port. On the bright side community plug-ins can be added to
> the update site over time (so even if the tools are not ready when uDig
> 1.1.0 goes out they can be made available again later).
> Cheers and I am glad you are enjoying uDig.
> Jody 

Well, I think we need change our repository strategy. We are working in axios 
internal repository and publish some snapshot (release) in the community svn, 
but now we need share our work with other developer. I was thinking to use 
the udig repository as main repository and maintain in axios some snapshot.  
Then we will reply to the changes in short time. The question is: Is this the 
better time to change our strategy? (I know the people are working to improve 
the repository)

Mauricio Pazos
tel-:+34 94 441 63 84

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