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Re: [udig-devel] PostGIS connection problems

Dave S-B wrote:
This seems to be the same behaviour as I am finding with users deleting catalog services (e.g. MapGraphic/custom services) - see the "Protecting Catalog Services". I tried this with a PostGIS service too - the same thing happens. The missing service is recreated correctly when you open a project/map containing relevant layers, but the layers which previously used this service just can't seem to reference the recreated service correctly. With MapGraphic, the resource ID of the layer actually gets changed at some point (so it's always going to be pointing to the wrong place). With PostGIS layers, the resource ID stays the same, but it still can't reference the service/resource correctly. I tried looking in the .umap file for clues, but the catalogRef was huge and full of too many codes for my brain! The iD was correct though.
Yeah it was confusing for me too; I had to step through the code to figure it out. Here is what I remember: - There is a some net.refractions.udig.catalog code that reads an IMenento and looks-up or creates a serivce if needed. This code is used by the catalog when it starts up. - The same code is subclased by the net.refractoins.udig.project plug-in and used when a Map is loaded to connect the layers to their data.

So perhaps what we need is a "Refresh" at the layer level; something to kick it into looking at the catalog again? I had kind of hoped that this would be done by each renderer but I think LayerImpl had to start caching...

I will try and look into this some more on Monday to find the root of the problem.

Jody Garnett wrote:
Still I am happy to find a user to test this scenario. We have a related concern with moved shapefiles; a Map really should be able to kick a catalog entry into life as needed. Can you give me any details about what happened when you tried Reset? Did anything happen at all?


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