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[udig-devel] RC14 and Folders

Hi Andrea,

So the next version of uDig will directly affect JGrass.  But before you worry I'll try to make the changes for you :).  

Here is the situation:

1.  Now IService's members returns List<IResolve> not List<? extends IGeoResource> 
2.  It also has a method called resources which returns ALL of the IGeoResources in the entire IService hierarchy
3.  There is a new class called IResolveFolder.  Its purpose is to provide structure to a IService hierarchy.

What does this mean for you and what is the difference between a IGeoResource and a IResolveFolder?

First lets address the difference between an IResolveFolder and a IGeoResource.  An IResolveFolder does not directly represent data.  Therefore it cannot be added to a Map directly.  It is primarily there for structure and organization.

Second.  What does this mean to JGrass?  Well it means that you can now more accurately model your Workspace.  The workspace I believe is currently georesources that contain GeoResources.  They should probably be changed to be IResolveFolders (don't worry the API is simpler than for IGeoResource).  This is because if you drag them on to a map really you are dragging all the contained GeoResources onto the map.

I will create the final RC14 soon and give you a copy then I can update the code to match this change.

I hope this makes sense (probably not ;-) ).  Start hitting me with questions :)


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