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Re: [udig-devel] Another build of RC13

Thank you,

A couple of questions/suggestions:

1. When building for OS X, would it be possible to replace the Eclipse 3.3 Version info with 1.1-RC13(Info in Finder)?

2. For the default SAVE location, would it be possible to change it from '' to Documents/uDig?  This way it does not save it inside of the app package, making it easier to replace versions, without having to remember to copy project files out of there first.  Also, the same applies for new layers that have been created(shapefiles), these too default to the package's contents folder.

3. Perhaps associating the .udig extension with the uDig icon/logo system-wide?  I suggest this so that it may become double-clickable, thus allowing users to open project files from the finder. As it stands, the ProjectName.udig is just a folder, so it cannot be double-clicked.  And of course, none of the contents inside the .udig folder can be clicked to successfully open the project, so user's really can only look at it in Finder, or move the project to another location.

4. Would it be possible to add an option that allows a shapefile layer to have it datum/projection changed permanently to match another shapefile's settings?  For example, let's say i normally use NAD 83 UTM 12N.  I then receive a shapefile that is in WGS84, and would like it to conform with my existing shapefile library.  If in uDig, after viewing the shapefile, and determining i wish to keep/use it, merely being able to convert/change it to match the others.

5. Feature editing.  When removing elements, it would be nice if uDig scanned the shapefile to see where the new outer-most objects are located, as to get rid of any white/blank space, where objects were recently deleted.  Lets say I deleted an object on the drawing at -109 & 19, and after doing so, the outermost object on the drawing is now at -109 & 23, hence 4 latitudes of empty space.  Currently, uDig will recent using that space.  So, the objective is to get rid of it... if there are no points paths or polys, it should be removed.

6. Currently uDig has 'Properties' listed in the menubar twice.  Once under uDig, and once under Window.  Perhaps the listing under Window should be removed?

7. When in Table pane, and one selects a record, currently in the View pane, one can barely see the selected highlighted object.  Of course, it is only highlighting the object, and so if the object's size is small when the view is at a greater scale, it is very difficult to see it.  Why not instead create a push-pin that is one-size-fits-all, and when a record in the Table view is selected, a puch-pin graphic displays.  Or, perhaps  a square window(temp layer) if over top that has a magnified view.

8. Creating Points - Once more then 2 Points are created, there is no easy way to go back to a previous Point and move it.  Perhaps Control-click would allow a previous point to be selected while still in edit/Point creation mode?

9. Point Placer - Perhaps adding a simple feature that allows the user to enter coordinates when creating Points atop a point layer.  This way the user can place a Point(POI) exactly where it needs to belong.  Also, once created, to be able to go back and edit the point by changing it's coordinates.  In addition to this, perhaps a simple .csv import function that allows the user to choose a file that contains long/lat fields, along with other information about the Points/POIs, this way it's a breeze to add content provided by third parties via spreadsheets, etc.

10. Icons.  If using uDig to import a .csv file containing some demographics or statistics, perhaps election numbers, it would be nice to be able to choose from a library of svg icons to apply to points.  And being able to apply multiple/different svg icons on the same layer.

11.!  Again, should be able to load a google map view that is the bottom/back layer, having a toggle that allows the user to switch from the global projection to the google temp projection, so all the top-most layers can be locked to the bottom google layer, and then be panned or zoomed accordingly.  when the user decides on the pan and zoom, and is ready to edit, then the user selects one of the upper-most layers, and started editing.  perhaps uDig can move the view left/right one position, or up/down one position with just a click, moving it about 80% of the screen view, so the user can see what edits he's done, and has new space ready t be edited.  again, not editing the google layer, but instead, using it as a background for reference(or tracing.  and not just google, but any/all of them).

12. Ability to move one layer independent of other layers, allowing drag and drop, and x, y coordinate entry, and scale/skew/etc.  Allowing this for file-data(like a .csv, mdb via odbc, xls, etc.), vectors, and rasters.  This way, if one has an old hand drawn map, one could move it around, positioning it as best as possible, and then when satisfied, locking down to the rest of the layers/global projection.  In the case of a layer, that may have multiple svg icons, the user would be able to move the individual icons around, as well as the collective total/layer, again, independent of the other locked-down layers that are adhering to the global projection setting.

12. uDig should, by default, load smaller kb/mb/gb files first.  At present time, uDig will load a 300mb shapefile before loading a 100kb point file.


1. Cannot move a layer from one map to the other.  I created 1 project, and 2 maps.  I then added 2 vector layers from a local drive. Both layers loaded in  the top-most maps.  When i attempt to drag the layer to the second map, it removes it from the form, and it populates the second in the Projects-pane view, but it then is removed from the Layers-pane view.  If i try to drag it back, it then removes itself from the Layers-pane view entirely.  If i attempt to drag the maps from the Catalog-pane, one to the first map, and one to the second map, they BOTH end up in the FIRST map.  If i create more maps, i can then add a layer to a new map, and it will show up in the Projects-pane, but not in the Layers-pane.  I've tried all possibilities, but none work, so one is effectively limited to one map.

2. If one changes the name of the Project while in uDig, this change is only written to the .uprj file, and not the ProjectName.udig folder.  I think it wise the project's folder name also be changed, otherwise name-association is incorrect.  So perhaps on a project name change, uDig does a quick folder rename?

3. Changing a projection on a layer results in the layer no longer being displayed.  If the user changes back to the previous project, it does not restore.  In fact, the entire window is buggy, when scrolling through projections, the Restore Defaults and Apply buttons will show up(visually) in the scrolled list of text.  However, resizing the window larger, so that there is space between the white text field with the list of projections, and the lower buttons, seems to correct the problem.  However, upon returning to the main screen, the layer that had it's project changed(even if you changed it back to the original) no longer displays, and has the little 'x' next to it.

4.  Under the Search pane, in the Search String field, a bunch of text is listed: NLS missing message: SearchView_default in: net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.internal.messages  <<< is this supposed to be there?

5. Reshape Contents does not work.  The window opens, and you can edit text, but when you click OK, it does nothing, not even close the window.  One must click cancel to exit.

6. Under Catalog > Images > what are the 101, 102, 103, etc files that are listed?  Do these belong here?

7. When one creates a new shapefile, and exits uDig, and actually saves the shapefile to the drive, and then re-entered uDig, there are then 2 of the same shapefile shown under Layers pane.  I believe the Scratch/ has something to do with this.

8. After creating a new layer, then renaming it in the Layers and Projects panes, the name still remains 'New Feature Type' under Catalog.  The problem here is when you quit uDig, it asks to save the project, and then the layer to a shapefile, at which point it serves up the name 'New Feature Type'  and does not allow you to change it.  It then saves it to the drive with this name, and the next tiem you open uDig, the Layer name has of course reverted back to it as well. This did not happen to me with a new Points layer/shapefile, only with a Polygon layer/shapefile.  Linestring/MultiLineString did not work at all, would only display the Points tool.  Also, if i created a new layer, and then without adding any element(Points/Paths/Polys), i quit uDig, it did not ask me to save the shapefile, upon re-entry, that new layer is gone. 

9. In a Points layer i created, i made a few Boolean tables.  After adding some Points to the layer using he drawing tool, i went to the Table pane view, and clicked on a record, to change the default 'False' to 'True' and upon doing so, it threw and error: java.lang.NullPointerException.  i have to click to another layer in order to un-freeze the resulting problem that occurs from the above mentioned error, at which point i can repeat the error again.

10. Using the selection box, highlighting Points that were made on a Layer that was Created, does indeed highlight them.  But when selecting Delete from the menu, it does not delete them.  Cut does not work either. I can however delete them using the Table view, right clicking and selecting Delete.  However, i cannot shift-select multiple records and delete them that way.

Ok, this is enough for this email :)  I will post more tomorrow or the next day.  In the meantime, I will answer any questions or clarify any of my late-night, hard to read text for you... talk to you soon!

Oh, one last thing... I would like to start editing/updating pages over at, like in the community > section, as there are a lot of out-dates entries/explainations/tutorials/instructions.  How would you advise i tackle issues concerning these new versions of uDig, compared with previous versions much of that text was written against?  Should i leave old text, and append it with uDig 1.1 RC13 text, so the reader can see the old way, as well as the new way?  menus and placement and text within the uDig app have changed considerably, so as you can imagine, much of those pages info is outdated.  So let me know how you wish me to proceed, providing me with the do's and dont's, and i'll start getting to it, perhaps bringing a section or two current over the next week or two.



On Jan 9, 2008, at 10:30 PM, Jesse Eichar wrote:

First I'd like to thank you all for helping out testing this release it has really been a great help.  Second I'd like to put up another build for testing.  

This build fixes a problem on Linux and OSX when the data is on another drive.  It worked but was displayed in the Catalog as ../../../../Volumes/data/Shapefile.shp (for example).
It also fixes a couple of issues exporting to images when the map can not be expressed in WKT.

And once again the links:


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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