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[udig-devel] Re: Catalog / Layer contract, was UDig on Windows XP

Hi Jody,
thank you so much for this mail. I thought the irc would not take place beeing you guys all very busy, but it seems I lost one of the most "abstract" IRC ever. Is there a log around?

I will go through your mails and come back to that.


On Dec 13, 2007, at 7:40 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Morning Moovida; this email is a replacement for your Thursday IRC meeting ;-)

It seems that there has been a break down of trust between the project and the catalog layers of our application. I was not aware of this change when it was introduced, it seems that the project plugin is using both:
- "layer id" to look up an entry in the catalog; and
- it was also using the connection parameters

There is a relationship between layer id, and connection parameters. They need to be exactly in sync or the catalog starts getting confused.

I was surprised that this was even possible - here is how it was done:
- IServiceFactory.acquire( id, params )

The javadocs for this method say: "is intended to be used when replacing an IService entry in a catalog". This method is used by the catalog framework when setting up for a replacing a moved service, ie it is a step that is needed when we are about to fire a REPLACE event.

So what has happened is when lazy loading of a map was introduced; maps were no longer around to listen to REPLACE events and thus could not be kept in sync with the catalog. The above acquire method was used to allow these out of sync map layers to fumble along using an ID that did not exactly match the intrinsic identity of the resource on disk.

This amounts to a breakdown of trust between the two systems :-) The concept of an ID is no longer trusted by layer to a be a good handle for resource lookup; this is something we can fix.

I would like to introduce a "IForward" class into the catalog; something that can be left behind in the catalog when a resource is moved. That way projects that were closed still have a way of noticing and fixing themselves when they are loaded. These handles can be used just alike a IService returned from a search; they can act as a wrapper for the actual service (so simple code can stay simple), although I will make them printin warning messages if uDig is being run in -debug mode.

It is my hope that with this addition trust can be established again and the project layer implementation can be simplified, and made much less insane ;-)


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