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Re: [udig-devel] BIRT Charts and Integration ideas

Thanks for the very interesting insight. The uDig printing framework has not gone anywhere; indeed we are hacking around it for our current PDF export.

If you would like to "out" your work thus far as a community plugin I will schedule a code reivew and so forth for the uDig 1.2 development stream. I am excited it is great to see the community plugin idea work out. Your company would still have (c) in the headers; but it would be great if you were happy with an LGPL license (so things do not get any more confusing for other developers).

Since we ship uDig with a custom JRE and have the settings under our control the PermSpace requirement should not slow us down.


Vince Darley wrote:
I think overall it would be a very good idea. We've been generally impressed with BIRT's flexibility and capabilities (and ability to scale - it happily churns out pdf reports with 3500 pages for example (not that such a large report is much use)) - and the report designer is pretty nice. The only thing that is mediocre is its Java API for extending it (or at least the documentation and ease of use of it -- the actual extension API seems very powerful since it was designed, I think, for the birt charting framework).

I've not really used udig's built in printing mechanisms much, so I'm not too sure how much work would be required to reproduce that on top of BIRT. The little I did see seemed pretty much out of the box stuff in BIRT.

Using BIRT will of course provide a whole host of additional benefits - it can easily talk to most databases, so any additional reporting driven off users' databases can be simply integrated into their reports.

The negatives I can think of are:

1) As far as I could tell BIRT is mostly developed by one company, so while it has a very large user base, the development base is small.

2) It's a large framework, so uDig's memory footprint (and java 'PermSpace' requirements in particular) would go up.



User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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