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Re: AW: [udig-devel] Default style on custom file type

Wellmann, Harald wrote:
Hmmm, sounds good but does not really help as long as it's only on the
trunk and not in any SDK (I'm currently using udig 1.1RC13 SDK - by the
way, there only seems to be the download package, but no matching tag in
the repository).

So it seems I need a backport of the Style lookup - should I submit a
JIRA entry for it?
Please; I will back port this section later today.
Regarding the BasicFeatureRenderer, as far as I can see it invokes

Style style = (Style) styleBlackboard.lookup(Style.class);

so it finds either SldStyleContent or my FooStyleContent, depending on initialization order.

Am I missing anything?
Nope it is me who is missing something; did not expect people to put more than one style black board entry for Style.class.

        <get src="${repo}/ncsa/jhdf/4.1r5/jhdf-4.1r5.jar"
dest="${lib}/jhdf.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" />
        <get src="${repo}/jmagick/jmagick/"
dest="${lib}/jmagick.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" /> <get src="${repo}/it/geosolutions/imageio-ext/imageio-ext-gdalmrsid/1.0-SNAPSHOT/imageio-ext-gdalmrsid-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" dest="${lib}/imageio-ext-gdalmrsid-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" /> <get src="${repo}/it/geosolutions/imageio-ext/imageio-ext-gdalframework/1.0-SNAPSHOT/imageio-ext-gdalframework-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" dest="${lib}/imageio-ext-gdalframework-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" /> <get src="${repo}/it/geosolutions/imageio-ext/imageio-ext-gdal/1.0-SNAPSHOT/imageio-ext-gdal-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" dest="${lib}/imageio-ext-gdal-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" /> <get src="${repo}/it/geosolutions/imageio-ext/imageio-ext-customstreams/1.0-SNAPSHOT/imageio-ext-customstreams-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" dest="${lib}/imageio-ext-customstreams-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" verbose="true" /> </target> <target name="">
            We need to find these on a public repository?

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