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Re: [udig-devel] Problem with recognizing geotiff tags - I think

Hugh Jennings wrote:
Jesse has a tech preview somewhere that works with a new version of the geotiff code; it would be helpful if you could try that one out (chances are it will be different; perhaps not better). -

I put this in place of the other binaries but I got the same result. I have attached a jpeg of the app so you can see exactly.
Thinking; not sure what that would *do*. Can you try just unzipping and running? You may have to copy the JRE from your existing install; or grab one from here:

By default udig will use a "jre" folder that is in the same folder as the udig.exe.
When starting a new map does udig assume wgs84 geographic for the coordinate system?
Yes it does; you can change this in preferences - and set to "-1" to have guess a good CRS (usually the crs of the first data you drop in).
If I choose WGS84 UTM zone 39 then both the tech preview and the other versions I have tried seem relatively happy.
Well it would be good if re sampling the raster into other projections was working for you. I assume that is the relative part of happy.
I have tried 1.0.6 on windows and 1.1rc12 on linux.
Thanks for trying so many versions; not sure what the next step should be.

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