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Re: [udig-devel] 3/2 How to render onto an Image using a Map

The PDF export (i.e. to jpeg) gets the colours all wrong. The background seems to be a weird pink colour. If I use BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB then the colours are mostly right, except the background is black instead of white. My attempts to use

map.getBlackboard().put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color.WHITE);

have had no effect on that.



At 17:17 24/10/2007, Jody Garnett wrote:
Vince Darley wrote:
3) I have a map with a bunch of layers shown. I'd like to get a renderer (using RenderManager?) which I can use to render an arbitrary bounding box of those layers (not necessarily related to the bounding box of the current view port of the map) to a BufferedImage of arbitrary size which I can then use for other purposes. Can you fill me in on the basic way to achieve this?
Have a look at the PNG export; or PDF export community modules in Jesse's section of svn. Also the map print functionality does this sort of work in order to render the Map onto an image for the "Box" you can layout on the page. Map is "just" a data structure so you will find some of these examples going about the rendering process with different assumptions (say speed vs. quality).

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