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[udig-devel] Re: states of features

Hi Tony,

Question 1:
There are a few things going on here:

1.  After creating a feature (but not committing) the feature has been written to the transaction but it is still in editable state.
2.  If you encounter some problems with refreshing during editing you can try turning off a preference
Tool > Edit Tools > Edit Tool Performance > Hide Features on Select
This preference is useful when editing lines and points as it hides the point when it is selected for editing, however it also causes some refresh related issues.  

Question 2:
Probably the best way is to make it a preference for the WriteChangesBehaviour so that if the preference the state will be updated so that there is no feature being edited.

FYI this selection is maintained so that the attributes can be entered into the table view for the feature after creating the feature.


On Sep 6, 2007, at 12:21 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:

Hi Jesse,
since I don't know if it's allowed to send files to the list, I write this email to you. You can respond to the list if it's ok.
Attached is a png file with two screenshots. The map contains a shapefile layer ("strassen"): the streets of a german city, a point layer ("l2") (empty) and a polygon layer ("l1").
Screenshot one shows a polygon created on layer l1 with the polygon tool. After adding the last vertex with a double click the polygon is created and remains in the shown state: not filled and highlighted vertices.
Question 1: What kind of state is this? Selected? Editable?
Question 2: How can I change programatically this state to 'normal' (not selected, not editable)? Do I have to modify the feature or is this polygon not yet a feature?
Screenshot two shows two polygons. The first one which has the state I call 'normal' and a second one. The second one has been drawn, then I activated (selected) another layer and switched back to layer l1 again. Now the polygon has a dotted border and is filled in antoher color. What kind of state is this?
tony roth

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