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Re: [udig-devel] Transformation/Reprojection

Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
We were discussing options for reprojection/transformation code on the
OpenJUMP development list the other day. I know that UDig offers on
the fly reprojection, which is why I'm currently trying to download it
and get it running.

I was curious, is the ,low-level reprojection code something UDig gets
from the GeoTools library, or is it code unique to UDig? Does the
low-level reprojection code work with GeoTools features, or does it
transform individual coordinates? Is it possible to access the API for
transformation of individual coordinates?
It is from the GeoTools library; you can use the "referencing module" with out depending on any GeoTools feature stuff. It is suitable for OpenJUMP etc...

Since this question is asked every couple of months by a jump developer it has made its way into the geotools user guide:
It seems to me that it would make sense to share reporojection code
between OpenJUMP and UDig, especially if we can transform individual
coordinate and don't need to deal with the feature model problem.
Yes it makes sense to share; interfaces via geoapi and implementation via geotools, and hopfully swing widgets and swt widgets as well ;-)

Don't worry about stealing worry about forking; if you see anything you want out of udig lets make sure we can place it in a common library so we can share maintence cost.


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