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[udig-devel] export png

For own usage I needed to implement a simple png export. Since JGrass
would contain it but some more time is needed to its first release :)
and since the code is really few, I paste it below. I remember someone
was interested in that, so enjoy :)

PS: is there another way to deal with the filedialog or do I have to
use the asyncexec?


	public void op(Display display, Object target, IProgressMonitor
monitor) throws Exception {

		IMap activeMap = ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap();

		List<IRenderer> renderers =

		int w =
activeMap.getRenderManager().getMapDisplay().getWidth(); int h =
activeMap.getRenderManager().getMapDisplay().getHeight(); BufferedImage
bImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
		Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) bImage.createGraphics();

		for (IRenderer renderer : renderers) {
			renderer.render(g2d, monitor);

		goGo = false;

		Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {

			public void run() {
				FileDialog fileDialog = new
FileDialog(new Shell(Display .getDefault()), SWT.SAVE);
				fileDialog.setText("Choose the output
png file"); path =;
				goGo = true;
		while (!goGo) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
		goGo = false;

		if (path == null || path.length() < 1) {

		ImageIO.write(bImage, "png", new File(path));




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