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[udig-devel] Table view with WFS: column headings shifted?


I am rather new to this list. I hope this hasn't been
discussed before.

When using the table view with a layer from a WFS data
store it seems column headings are shifted by one column.
This seems to occur with Udig 1.1.RC6a (Windows) but not
with Udig 1.1.RC5. Is this probably a bug introduced with
the table view overhaul?


Dr. Steffen Vogt
Institut f. Physische Geographie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
Werderring 4, D-79085 Freiburg, Germany
phone: ++49 /(0)761/ 203-3553
fax: ++49 /(0)761/ 203-3596
email: steffen.vogt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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