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[udig-devel] using uDig (and replacing OpenJUMP)

Hi list,

This is my first post here and it's not so long ago that I discovered uDig, so far it looks great, but I've got a few questions. I assume this is the right place to ask them.

I've recently been working on a project which links text (law/regulations) to a map. We used OpenJUMP for this project and all was well. Management has decided we need a method to edit our text (and later on maps too) and the only project we can use for it is SWT-based. OpenJUMP is Swing based, so we need an alternative. uDig is SWT-based, so hurray, here's our alternative :)

We absolutely rely on GML 3.1.1 documents for our maps, but I was unable to load them into uDig. I know people are working on it, but I have no idea about the status of this feature. As far as I underststand, the way to do this will be: load a GML 3.1.1 document into GeoServer, then use uDig to connect to GeoServer. What I don't understand is that the connection between uDig and GeoServer will be GML 2.0, how does this work? Do GML attributes find their way to uDig, or do I need an abstraction layer that links uDig geographical objects to their original GML IDs?

Both uDig and OpenJUMP use JTS internally (and I think I noticed a few other similarities as well), does this mean they are largely 'the same'? Sure, uDig uses SWT, OpenJUMP uses Swing, and the plugin system and APIs are different, but would it work if I just copy a FeatureCollection from OpenJUMP to uDig? I ask, because I've written a GML 3.1.1 reader for OpenJUMP, it would be cool if I could just copy/paste it into uDig and continue as if nothing happened. I can handle compile problems, but it would be nice to know if it's possible at all before I test it.

Kind regards,

Sander Bisschops sanderb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
T: +31-20-5253493
Leibniz Center for Law,       Law Faculty
University of Amsterdam,      PO Box 1030
1000 BA  Amsterdam,       The Netherlands

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