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[udig-devel] R: Haw to using the transaction of uDig for commit

Hi Jesse,
Thank you, I understand. My problem is that I don't add the FeatureType
in the map when I edit it. uDig generate an event when the user click
commit button? If yes, haw can I add a Listener for this event?


The transaction is set once an edit is made but not before.  This is  
because a transaction is not needed for read-only processes.  When  
one of the edit methods on a  FeatureStore is called the transaction  
is set.  Make sure you obtain the FeatureStore from the Layer.


On 13-Nov-06, at 8:22 AM, Stefano wrote:

> Hi Jesse,
> thank you for your reply, but I don't know haw use the uDig  
> transaction:
> If i call "Transaction transaction = featureStore.getTransaction();"
> then
> Transaction is "AutoCommitTransaction" and I don't want it; I want  
> thet
> the changes are commit when the user click the Button "Commit"
> I've just added an FAQ for this:
> +programmatically+commit+changes%3F
> Jesse
> On 13-Nov-06, at 6:17 AM, Stefano wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I've a question:
>> I wrote a procedure for modify a FeatureType (add, edit and delete
>> features) and I need commit the modify when the user press the commit
>> command of uDig but I don't know haw to gat and using the
>> transaction of
>> uDig.
>> Sameone has a suggestion?

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