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Re: [udig-devel] Printing investigation and PostGIS

sebastien.piau@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

2) PostGIS:
With the RC4, i can load some geometrics data from postgis without specify any CRS (the geometry_columns table contains -1 for all SRIDs), then if i modify the layer's and the map's CRS in the same way, data are allways visible! But the RC5 seems to be more restrictive : If i modify the layer's and map's CRS, i cannot see the Postgis data! I can only view the postGIS data in the default CRS (WGS84?).

If I try to change the SRID in the geometry_columns table, I obtain the following message :
9 nov. 2006 17:47:41 executeQuery
GRAVE: Error Performing SQL query: SELECT "gid", encode(AsBinary(force_2d("the_geom"), 'XDR'),'base64') FROM "public"."georoute500_troncon_route_dep" WHERE "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((517901.17217599996 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2385010, 519165 2385010, 519165 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2384050))', 27562) org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs

Maybe, the "the_geom" data are not encoding with the right CRS? What do you think of that?

Hi Sebastien,

I will have a look at the PostGIS problems in the next 36 hours... Please note that if the SRID is -1 in your PostGIS table, uDig will likely not be able to take advantage of server-side reprojection, which will be much faster. uDig/GeoTools seems to be confused over which CRS to use, the above error message references EPSG code 27562... is it also trying to use 4326?

Any further details you could provide would be most helpful.


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