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Re: [udig-devel] Re: DB2 and Oracle support

Simon Greener wrote:

Jogy and Jesse,

THanks. I am online all day and will download when I know the links are up. Don't worry, I will test it out (does it support circular arcs?)! And I need
some write tools for Oracle for a project I just started working on.

No arcs ;-) The circular arcs are not part of the "Simple Feature" OGC standard - so nobody in the open standard/source world was that interested.

My library reads the arcs though, and prints out warnings. It should be noted that the Arcs are really old tech and that most modern systems use nurbs (as the "arc" ends up being inside all the control points). I am sure that was way more detail then you cared about.

As we look into supporting GML3 (and an associated ISO Geometry specification) we will have an oppertunity to support arcs. If you are interested let us know.


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