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[udig-devel] Some rendering contacts for Jesse

Hi Jesse - just checking out who we can expect to see at OOPSLA.

UVic has the following project:

One of its applications is:

Creole: Creole, an Eclipse plugin, uses SHriMP to allow you to explore your Java code visually. You to see your code's structure and the links (references, accesses, etc) between its different pieces.

The fun part for UDIG is that shrip ues Piccolo for rendering - and Piccolo uses Java 2D.

Although on second thought - looking at there Known Issues perhaps they want to talk to you.


    * *Speed*
          o It can take some time manage and display large amounts of
            data. Try selecting smaller working sets for Creole to
            visualize via "Creole Main View menu > Edit > Change
            Working Set..." You can also explore Creole's "data
            filters" via "Creole Main View menu > Tools > Options >
            Data Filters" to filter out specific arc and node types
            from getting into the data. In the future, we want to have
            the option to click on a node and select specific types of
            arcs that you want to see for this particular node. *

    * *Memory*
          o Eclipse may run out of memory while trying to visualize
            large working sets. Try running eclipse with the arguments
            "-vmargs - Xmx[your amount of RAM in megabytes]M" to give
            eclipse more memory.
            (for example: "*-vmargs -Xmx1024M*")
          o Creole also has some memory leaks and you may have to
            restart eclipse after some time.

    * *GUI*
          o SHriMP was developed using Swing whereas eclipse uses SWT.
            Some problems result from the embedding of our swing
            components inside SWT components such as:
                + Sometimes keyboard events are lost before they reach
                + Menus show up in strange locations
                + Flickering
                + Works on *Windows and Linux with Java 1.5 beta only*
                  (the final release of Eclipse 3.0 promises to have
                  this working on the Mac)

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