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Re: [udig-devel] Data Access methods for Geotools / UDIG

Thanks David:

I am working on documenting data access methods ... have I forgotten

Geotools data access and discovery APIs
- Discovery – (pending) from Catalog Services version 2.0
- Catalog – from Catalog Services version 1.0
- Repository – catalog style API used by GeoServer
Some hesitations here: will talk to you tomorrow to better understand.
Repository is actually used by GeoServer - it used to keep Validation Processor from depending on GeoServer directly. Exactly the same thing I have been trying to use Catalog for (as well as playing the standards game).

I know we have some ideas on how to simplify this stuff (reduce duplication etc...). I am sure Catalog and Discovery don't need to exist in the same code base for example.

- DataStore
If this document includes future work, you may wish to mention DataStore with
sensible defaults params, and FileFormats which only require a file/url (single
param) with sensible defaults.
I *am* tempted to write down our intentions in this document (so it remains useful over the comming weeks).
We can talk tomorrow.

<>UDIG Extention points:
- net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.service
- net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.file

Assuming these refer to the comments above.

Strangly enough they don't - UDIG will need an extention point to allow for File/URL import and DnD regardless of what happens behind the scenes.

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