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[udig-devel] [Fwd: Re: [Geotools-devel] uDig 0.2 is out!]

Some feedback (that we can place into Jira) - thanks Rueben
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Congradulations on the release. I was not feeling well today, so I spent
some time installing and trying udig 0.2 out. I was on a windows xp
system with java jre 1.4.2.

Few notes:

I like the splash screen: very pretty.

I had issues with the classpath (damn space in "Program Files") which
resulted in error dialogs when trying to open a map. The map would only
have the text "An error occured when creating this editor" on it.

When hitting the "Create default project" button, udig would hang. After
reading the help, I suspect this is because it was recursively searching
for 2 shapefiles in my windows home directory (there are none there). It
worked fine once I added some shapefile to %home%.

About the help: the "Local Registry Users Guide" link did not catch my
eye and I initially assumed that the help was just a place holder with
no content. I assume that this will have a nice "welcome to udig" on the
first page with a clear link to a getting started document in the

After adding a shapefile datastore, nothing happened. It took me a while
to find the "refresh" button. (Also I assume a dialog to browse for a
shapefiles and other data will be added in the future).

The drawing of a forest inventory dataset (as a shapefile) that I am
working on was comparable to that for arcGIS 8.3 (10 000 polygons). This
was using the simple black outline style. Perhaps the progressive
rendering was just tricking me :)

I got an error when trying to add the atlas of canada wms. The
capabilities statement I tried was:

(as described on

I am looking forward trying 0.3, keep up the good work.

On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 16:19, Richard Gould wrote:
> The next iteration of uDig is now available! 0.2 was released today and 
> can be downloaded from Installation 
> instructions are located on the Wiki at 
> It requires the use of the Eclipse RCP Runtime.
> Some highlights:
> - Uses the streaming WFS module from GeoTools
> - Also uses the WMS module
> - Is capable of drawing multiple layers together (assuming they are in 
> LatLon coordinate system)
> Other notes:
> - WMS only supports LatLon coordinate system
> - There are probably tons of bugs and little annoyances
> Feel free to leave us bug reports and suggestions either by email or at 
> under the uDIG project.
> Attached is a screenshot of uDig in action.
> Richard

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