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[udig-devel] Context Document

Repost now that we have a list ...

More interesting tidbits .... looking into persistent "project files". I
am going to keep sending out email of my notes for discussion/reference
since I am not convinced everyone is going to read all of the
specifications before our design sessions...

The "WMSContext Specification" is apprently the best OGC specifcation
they have (although they profess "other draft specificaitons, and high

Web Map Context Document == Context:
- grouping of 1 or more maps from 1 or more map servers
- portable, platform-independent format
- used for storage or transmission

This looks like a good starting point for our own project file, and what
we would like to associate with a paper output. We would have to extend
this to handle our other data sources such as WFS.

They had in mind several uses:
- default start-up view
- save the state of a client as the user navigates and modifies map layers
- store current settings + additional info such as (styles, formats,
SRSs) - acts as a local WMS cache

Includes information:
- server(s) providing layer(s) in map
- bounding box and map projection shared by maps
- metadata for client to reproduce the map
- metadata to annotate or describe the maps

So this really looks like a good candidate for our printing module (may
even serves as the object model to isolate printing services from the
rest of the application).

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