Hi folks,
Upgrading to Tycho 2.4 caused some confusion for us, therefore I want to document that behavior for others:
Switching to 2.4 without any further changes can lead to running (and failing) maven-surefire on all bundles (both packaging eclipse-plugin and eclipse-test-plugin),
if you use a common parent POM for both. You may need to bind maven-surefire with phase none for your none-test bundles to get rid of that, or split the parent POM. This feature is documented in release notes, but I wasn’t aware it would become active by default
for everything.
If you have a bundle with packaging eclipse-plugin (not test!) mixed into your test bundles and use Jacoco for coverage, you may suddenly see maven errors about unresolved
“tycho.argLine” property. Previously such bundles were ignored by Tycho when running tests. Now they are included (due to above changes), and they _don’t_ use the “tycho.argLine” property like the test bundles, but rather the “argLine” property only
(as documented in jacoco-maven-plugin). So if you have only defined “tycho.argLine” in your common parent and have such a bundle between your tests, you may need to explicitly disable surefire there, too.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Michael Keppler
Engineering Application Software - Chapter CI/CD and Common Infrastructure Components
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