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Re: [tycho-user] Help building Eclipse e4 Product

Is the "" and all its dependencies listed as a dependency in your product file?

I've noticed that the error is triggered when either the mentioned module, "" in this case, is missing or (when it has a version number listed) one of it's dependencies is missing.

Ben Zegveld

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Kenneth Keefe <kjkeefe@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That didn't resolve the issue. Here's the full pastebin for doing a mvn clean install:


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 10:49 PM, Tom Bryan (tombry) <tombry@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’m not an expert, but I was surprised by this part of Vogella’s article:

you can build your Eclipse components with the mvn clean verify command, or the mvn clean install command. It is recommended to use the mvn clean verify command. If the mvn clean install command is used, it would result in a build being installed in your local Maven repository and this can lead to build problems.


Maybe something has changed, but the docs at still seem to indicate that you should run mvn clean install.  If you don’t, then I wouldn’t have expected Tycho to find the feature for the product.  I thought that Tycho was just looking in the listed update sites and in the Maven repository for dependencies.  That is, I thought that the way this worked was that Tycho builds the feature and installs it to the local maven repository.  Later in the build, Tycho builds the product, and when Tycho resolves the dependency to the feature, it would find that feature in the local maven repository. 


The error that you’re getting is

[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:1.1.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ edu.illinois.mobius.product.core ---

[INFO] {osgi.os=linux,, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true, osgi.arch=x86}

[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:

[ERROR]   Software being installed: edu.illinois.mobius.product.core 3.0.0.qualifier

[ERROR]   Missing requirement: edu.illinois.mobius.product.core 3.0.0.qualifier requires ' 0.0.0' but it could not be found


And that’s the kind of error I’d expect when Tycho cannot resolve the built feature to include in the product build. 


If you enable maven debugging, you might get some more information about where Tycho looked for the feature.   




From: <tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxg> on behalf of Kenneth Keefe <kjkeefe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Tycho user list <tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 5:41 PM
To: Tycho user list <tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [tycho-user] Help building Eclipse e4 Product


I followed along the Vogella tutorial ( for building an Eclipse e4 product using Maven and Tycho. I've been successful right up until step 9 (Tycho build for products) and would really appreciate some help. Note, I skipped step 8 as I don't have a need for building an update site.


I believe the maven error is telling me that my product is missing one of my features, but I am confused because that feature is being successfully built immediately prior to the product construction and the feature construction artifacts are showing up in the feature target directory. 


Please let me know which poms I should post if those would be useful. Thank you for your help!


Here is a pastebin of the full maven output:


Here is a segment that shows the errors from the output.

[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:1.1.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ edu.illinois.mobius.product.core ---

[INFO] {osgi.os=linux,, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true, osgi.arch=x86}

[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:

[ERROR]   Software being installed: edu.illinois.mobius.product.core 3.0.0.qualifier

[ERROR]   Missing requirement: edu.illinois.mobius.product.core 3.0.0.qualifier requires ' 0.0.0' but it could not be found


[ERROR] See for help.

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Reactor Summary:


[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.root ........................... SUCCESS [  0.060 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.bundles ........................ SUCCESS [  0.002 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.core.console ................... SUCCESS [  1.567 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.core.util ...................... SUCCESS [  0.506 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.core.preferences ............... SUCCESS [  0.525 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius ................................ SUCCESS [  0.222 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.legacy ......................... SUCCESS [  0.853 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.core.projects .................. SUCCESS [  2.014 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic ......................... SUCCESS [  0.183 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.advise .................. SUCCESS [  0.849 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.bnb ..................... SUCCESS [  0.269 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.external ................ SUCCESS [  0.195 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.san ..................... SUCCESS [  0.293 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.faulttree ............... SUCCESS [  0.220 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.pepa .................... SUCCESS [  0.352 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed ....................... SUCCESS [  0.368 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.rj .................... SUCCESS [  0.214 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.action ................ SUCCESS [  0.189 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.graph ................. SUCCESS [  0.182 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.database ....................... SUCCESS [  0.436 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.reward ......................... SUCCESS [  0.168 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.reward.pv ...................... SUCCESS [  0.240 s]

[INFO] .......................... SUCCESS [  0.283 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver ......................... SUCCESS [  0.294 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.adiss ................... SUCCESS [  0.181 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.ars ..................... SUCCESS [  0.163 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.ats ..................... SUCCESS [  0.164 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.simulator ............... SUCCESS [  0.319 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer .................... SUCCESS [  0.198 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.ssg ................ SUCCESS [  0.155 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.connection .............. SUCCESS [  0.270 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.diss .................... SUCCESS [  0.148 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.dss ..................... SUCCESS [  0.153 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.iss ..................... SUCCESS [  0.796 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.trs ..................... SUCCESS [  0.148 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.tss ..................... SUCCESS [  0.151 s]

[INFO] ...................... SUCCESS [  0.503 s]

[INFO] .................... SUCCESS [  0.201 s]

[INFO] ...................... SUCCESS [  0.212 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.sll ................ SUCCESS [  0.175 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.symssg ............. SUCCESS [  0.192 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.features ....................... SUCCESS [  0.003 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.feature ........................ SUCCESS [  0.430 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.advise.feature .......... SUCCESS [  0.120 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.bnb.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.089 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.external.feature ........ SUCCESS [  0.088 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.faulttree.feature ....... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.pepa.feature ............ SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.atomic.san.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.083 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.action.feature ........ SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.graph.feature ......... SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.composed.rj.feature ............ SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.reward.pv.feature .............. SUCCESS [  0.071 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.adiss.feature ........... SUCCESS [  0.078 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.ars.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.074 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.ats.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.078 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.simulator.feature ....... SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.ssg.feature ........ SUCCESS [  0.077 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.connection.feature ...... SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.diss.feature ............ SUCCESS [  0.075 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.dss.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.iss.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.088 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.trs.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.072 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.solver.tss.feature ............. SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

[INFO] .............. SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] ............ SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] .............. SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.sll.feature ........ SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.transformer.symssg.feature ..... SUCCESS [  0.072 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.releng ......................... SUCCESS [  0.001 s]

[INFO] edu.illinois.mobius.product.core ................... FAILURE [  0.494 s]

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Total time: 39.167 s

[INFO] Finished at: 2018-02-20T16:29:36-06:00

[INFO] Final Memory: 258M/1541M

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:1.1.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) on project edu.illinois.mobius.product.core: Execution default-assemble-repository of goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:1.1.0:assemble-repository failed: Cannot resolve dependencies of MavenProject: edu.illinois.mobius:edu.illinois.mobius.product.core:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT @ /Users/kjkeefe/git/Mobius/releng/edu.illinois.mobius.product.core/pom.xml: See log for details -> [Help 1]


[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.

[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.


[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:

[ERROR] [Help 1]


[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command

[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :edu.illinois.mobius.product.core





Ken Keefe

Senior Software Engineer

Information Trust Institute

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1308 W. Main St.

CSL 225

Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA

Phone: 217-244-3203


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Ken Keefe
Senior Software Engineer
Information Trust Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1308 W. Main St.
CSL 225
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA

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