I use tycho to create my plugins, my eclipse product and after I install (by script called by a pom) my plugins and other using “installIU”
As I have to install plugins … (using eclipse.exe – installIU), I have to execute eclipse. So I can’t generate the maven build for all the platforms …
I’ve add a parameter in : -DOS=win32 ou linux ou macosx :
In my pom I try (without success …) to do :
<equals arg1="${OS}" arg2="linux" />
<equals arg1="${OS}" arg2="win32" />
<equals arg1="${OS}" arg2="macosx" />
If I put –DOS=win32, it generate only win32 32bits, if I put –DOS=linux, idem, , it generate only win32 32bits !
If I put
It’s ok all platforms are generated.
Hwo can I do ?
Thank you J